Peaches and Cream -Izuku

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I know some of y'all horny mfs really be horny especially with yy so i think some of your will like this. This is the first time I'm writing something like this but i just couldn't get it or if my head.

WARNING: pegging

To say you were surprised was an understatement. "You want me..... To fuck.... You." Izuku stiffened, "Yah know you don't have to keep saying it like that!" You were just haveing a normal day scrolling through your phone on the couch when Izuku walked in holding a strap on and a douche asking you to fuck him. He then proceed to blush and stutter curling into himself. "I-i mean o-only if you w-w-want to." You grabbed Izuku's hands holding in between you two breifly admiring the contrast between your skin, "And what brought this on Zuku." Izuku wouldn't make eye contact with you as he spoke.

"Well i was reading the messages between you and Momo-NOT ON PURPOSE OR ANYTHING-and you were talking about how vanilla I was so I thought... Maybe this would be cool cause you would be in control." You sit and think about it, you weren't opposed to the idea but you wanted to make sure this is what Izuku wanted himself not just to please you.

"Are you sure you'd want to do this Izuku doing it and saying it are two different things.. Besides I don't mind you being vanilla it's part of you and i love how sweet you are to me." Izuku finally looked at you and gave you the warm smile your fell in love with. "I'm sure, besides i think it will be a learning experience for both of us!" You nodded while watching Izuku's face become red as he went more into his own thoughts. "S-So do we do it now?" You shake your head laughing,

"Not today, you may have done some of your own research, but I still need to do mine cause I don't want to hurt you Zuku." Izuku laughed, "Your couldn't do worse than what I've done to myself." You flicked his nose at that.

The next coming days were spent with you researching like your life depended on it, you were excited to try something new and you didn't want to screw it up for Izuku. Starting point was that in your opinion the dildo he got was WAY to big so you had to take an embarrassing trip with him to a sex shop. You two were practically ninjas with the amount of face covering you had on.

Then it was cleaning, Izuku wanted to get used to doing it but he couldn't bring himself to do it so you decided to help him start after getting tired of hearing his personal pep talks from the kitchen. In all honesty it was good exercise for getting use to seeing your boyfriend's ass up close.

When the big day finally arrived you two were buzzing with energy. All during patrol you two were sending each other sneaky glances, Izuku's face let getting red and you kept breaking into giggle fits. Going home your practically were running over each other laughing. Once past the front door Izuku had you up against the wall the most he could considering his smaller frame. The kisses were deep and slow yet frantic as your hands ran over each other with you even daring to grab his ass.

Your two make it into the bed room and fall into each other. Izuku unsurprisingly is very sensitive when aroused and you use that to your full advantage kissing his neck and biting his collar bone while you gently carress his dick lightly enough for it to be too much yet not enough at the same time. You think back to your research as it said that for a great experience make sure your partner is comfortable and aroused.

Feeling a little left out Izuku takes to kissing you and nipping your skin. You sign as you run his sides while reaching over to grab lube. Squeezing it over your fingers you absentmindedly rub them together warming it up. Izuku watches you do it and becomes flushed all the way down his neck.

Your smirk and lean down to nibble on his harden nipples, "I love it when you change colors babe." Izuku pouts as you always teased him for his ability to turn red so easily. Izuku reached over you and slapped your ass causing you to moan slightly, "Look your ass is changing colors too." You look back at yourself and indeed your brown skin had a red tinge to it. Rolling your eyes and taking this as an advantage you lead your fingers to Izuku's hole slightly scraping your blunt nail over the soft entrance.

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