Sharp Lolipoo

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Do you guys know that there is some truth to the whole your taste/smell good thing? It doesn't even have to be a sex thing, depending on who someone attracted to, the phermones they release can good to the person and even turn them on to some extent

Teasing, Dom kiri and Mina, dumification(?)

You guys are gonna really have to give me feedback on this one. I dont really know how lesbian smex works especialy in a threesome.

Your friends have been acting weird to say the least. It was gradual at first. Kirishima would gush about how manly you were and Mina would always take you shopping. Your closet was getting depressing with how many clothes you had and would never wear.

Now, you may not know much about relationships much less marriage, but you knew that marriage didn't mention having movie night at 4 in the morning with your friend  on their anniversary because, "you couldn't sleep"

There were even times where the behavior got out of proportion and too intimate.

It was game night and you and Kirishima were screaming at the TV, adorned in your respective team gear as you flipped between each other's team channels.

You had just flipped back to Kiri's when his team scored a touchdown. "Wooo! That's what I'm talking about man!" Kirishima cheered, most likely waking the whole neighborhood as you laughed.

From the kitchen Mina peeked in the living room and shook her head with amusement. You turn your head around to switch the remote back to your channel, but was stopped when warm hands cup your face and lips are on yours.

The kiss was quick and sweet before Kirishima turned back to his game, more focused than ever. You sat there and quickly looked towards Mina who just tilted her head at your confused face and brought out tamales.

Ever since then, you've been more diligent of your surroundings. You loved Mina, and you weren't going to be a homewreaker. So while you kept Kirishima at a distance, Mina got closer.

"You know Y/N, pink and red really is your color." Mina muttered as she painted your nails for the 5th time this month. You hummed in acknowledgement as you look through Mina's nail tech designs. "I get told a lot that red looks good on me, but I've never been told that pink looks good on my skin."

Mina glances at you before slowly standing up and straddling you. Cautious, you lay down to create more distance between the two of you. "Would you like to change that Y/N?" You could do nothing but stare at her with wide eyes.

Mina reached behind you, "Because…i have a lot more where that came from." And she pulls a bag into your view completely filled with pink nail polish. "Honey, can you help me do my roots?" Kirishima walks in and you feared for the worst as he takes in your position.

"Kiri, you know Y/N has a better eye than me, have her do it."  You sit there mouth agape as Mina gets off your lap nonchalantly as Kirishima tugs you to the bathroom. "I can't seem to reach in between the layers ya'know?" You squeak loudly as Kirishima sits down and pulls you close by your waist.

After that you watched the two of them like a hawk, you weren't sure if they were trying to test your loyalty or what but you would not fail…… Well that's what you thought anyways.

You had once again, been invited for game night and was making your way to their front door. You knocked gently and waited, but then rain started to fall. "Aww hell, I'm not getting my hair wet this time"

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