Sparkle Daddy

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I was going to do the lingerie thing that I put in my list story but Surprise Dom Aoyama popped in my mind and i couldn't shake it.
This gon be short yet sweet

Oh là là: oh no / oh dear

Mon Amour: my love

mon chou or chouchou: technically means my cabbage but it refers to a creme puff

Tant pis: oh well / too bad/ tough

The word 'crap' played over and over in your head as you searched throughout your bedroom. To anyone else they'd think nothing of your frantic behavior and would stop to help you find your missing item. But that was something you hope wouldn't happen.

You see, the missing item you are searching for is a small pink remote. A pink remote that goes to a small pink vibrator that at the moment, was inside of you. 

All you had wanted was to have some alone time to yourself. Then your friend Shinsou came to your house to talk so you let him in and made sure to keep the remote with you at all times.

 By the time Shinsou left and you went on your merry way, you realised that you had completely misplaced it. 

Ordinarily you wouldn't care and would just retrace your steps. But you have a roommate,  Aoyama and he was the last person that you wanted to find it.

Not only would he probably tease you to all hell but you were positive he didn't play for your team so you didn't want to make him uncomfortable…… Also you really really really had a crush on him but that's totally irrelevant.

"Amour, why are you tearing apart our furniture?" You tense at the sound of his voice and turn to find him leaning over the couch staring at you. "Oh me? It's nothing I was just looking for something that's all."

Aoyama dramatically gasped with a hand over his forehead, "Oh là là! Do you want me to help you search?!" You shook your head and yelled, "No!" Aoyama gave you a strange look at your loudness, "I mean, no thanks just uh, if you see a small bright pink remote, let me know."

Shrugging Aoyama walked to the kitchen, probably to make something sophisticated like tea. You busied yourself with lifting all the couch cushions to no avail so you decided to back track all the way to your room. 

As you search around, you suddenly find yourself hunched foreward as the small egg inside you, vibrates to life. You give a shaky breath and bite your lip to not alert Aoyama of your predicament. As it vibrates, you slowly slide down to the floor of the bed and suddenly it stops.

"Maybe it's in my bed?" You question now ripping the sheets off your mattress trying to urgently find what you're looking for. Nothing.

As you raggedly walk back to the living room, you find Aoyama watching TV while drinking coffee. He was modestly dressed which was surprising for him. In only a pair of black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt. "Have you found it yet chou chou?" He asked once he noticed you and pouted when you shook your head. You sighed as your day down next to him

"I think it's in my room but I can't quite find it." Aoyama tilted his head in thought as he held his coffee mug. "Why do you think it's in your room?" You glanced at his strange phrasing but dismissed it. "Because uh, what it goes to started up while I was on my bed."

Aoyama was silent as you two watched a meaningless sitcom on television. "Mon Trésor." You look over to Aoyama who was gazing at his now cold coffee before turning to you. "This wouldn't happen to be it would it?" 

From his pocket, Aoyama retrieves a small pink remote, exactly what you were looking for. Embarrassed joy crosses your face as you reach for it, "Thank you where did you find it!?" 

Before you could make contact with the small piece of plastic, Aoyama moved his hands further away. "It was on the couch and I've been playing with it too see what it does but I can't quite figure it out." 

At that moment Aoyama turns it on to the lowest setting making you flinch as your nethers pulsate from the steady vibrations. "T-That's because it needs batteries." Aoyama watches you with narrowed eyes and you do your best to show little to know reaction.

"Tant pis, I really wanted to see what it did." He pouted trusting the remote into the air simultaneously bumping the settings with each toss. "Don't worry w-when I get them, I'll probably s-show you."

Aoyama for a brief second lost his signature smile and that scared you more than the remote. Looking directly at you, Aoyama turned up the settings one by one watching as your resolve crumbled. 

By the time he got to the very last notch, your legs were trembling as you held them in-between your legs, eyes struggling to stay open. "You said that what this went to, activated while you were in your room. But then you said it needed batteries." You covered your mouth with your hand as you felt your walls aid the small egg into going deeper inside of you.

"Now that we know those are both untrue, are you ready to confess mon cheri?" You turned to Aoyama and tried to respond only to let out a loud whine when he flicked the last notch.

You weakly paw at the remote that he held from a good distance as he layed back on the couch. By this point you were almost straddling him as he held his arm out of harm's way, clicking randomly at the several notches.

"Belle, it's never good to lie you know." He tutted as he watched you subconsciously grind on the couch. Giving up, you settle between his legs as you focus on the varying pleasure you were receiving. Though it wasn't loud, the vibrator was powerful as your inner thighs went numb from the constant shaking.

Aoyama cooed as you struggled to keep your mouth closed and noises in. Only to watch you ultimately fail as thin strings of drool left your shining lips. You looked deliciously pitiful as you came with a loud moan, head thrown back and body twitching as he allowed the vibrator to ride or your orgasm.

Once you had came down and had tears of overstimulation rolling down your cheeks, Aoyama felt merciful and turned it off.

Noticing your tired eyes, he pulled your limp body towards him and allowed you to rest on his stomach, petting your head softly as he flicked through TV channels.

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