Spare Cooter

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This will be a little different because I'm leaving my author's notes inside. Also have i ever mentioned the fact that I'm a ✨VIRGIN✨ so i don't know shit about the stuff i write. So any of you non virgin peeps can help a sista out with some tips that would be great

Cockwarming kinda not really this fic is really a joke since I'm low-key stuck in a rut. nothing in this is proof read honestly

It was your fault that you were down here. If only you had been a good girl and waited for Iida to finish his paperwork. 

"Y/N if you throw another price of paper at my head there will be consequences." You giggle as you peer through the door. "I'll only stop if you play with me Tenya." You taunt already balling up your next round of ammo.

Iida glares at you thoroughly annoyed. He loved you, truly, but you were the reason he was forced to spend so much time on his paper work in the first place.

You had just got a promotion so you had wanted to celebrate, that's fine. However your idea of celebrating was getting shit faced drunk forcing him to have to come pick you up at six in the morning after your friends contacted him.

Of course you were sick the next day so he decided to take a day off just to take care of you. That ended quickly on the third day when he realized you were lying the whole time. All in all he was fed up with his 'innocent little sugar baby' as you put it 

Your eyes narrowed mischievous as you watched Iida's face relax and go back into work mode. Deep inside your heart you knew this was selfish…… But you ✨didn't care

After balling up the paper, this time you wet it with your water bottle getting it nice and soggy. You took aim and did a dramatic count-down in your head. "3..2..1… Fire!"

You launch the ball and make a bull's-eye directly on Iida's forehead before the water ball flopped onto the desk splashing small drops out water on the paper around it… exactly where Iida needed to sign. 

'Ah so I've chosen death.' you thought quietly to yourself as Iida stared at the water drops dripping down his nose. You turn to crawl away finally having enough of your own games. "Get your disrespectful ass in here." You sit on the floor sweating bullets, "U-Uh honey, I just remembered I have something e-else to do." You reply crawling a bit faster.

The door to Iida's office opens completely and  the back of your shirt is gripped tightly as you're dragged into the office. Any hope of escape was crushed as Iida securely locked the door with his own personal key. 

Iida takes his seat and looks at you, dark blue eyes narrowed as they take in your trembling form. "The fact that you aren't speaking let's me know that you know you crossed the line." You looked up at Iida pulling your best ashamed look but you both knew inside your didn't regret a single thing. 

Iida smiled and pat his lap, making you perk up as you go to sit on top of him. Before you could settle Iida grabbed your arm and pulled you over his lap. "Iida?" 

You become a bit light headed at the sudden switch of elevation. "I think you don't truly understand the seriousness of this Y/N. When we met we paid down the basics so don't say you don't know the rules." You pout at the floor crossing your arms, "I'm bored."

Iida sighed, "You wouldn't be bored if you had let me do my work instead of faking sickness." (Okay mom) You roll your eyes and simply hang over Iida's lap lifelessly. 

Rolling his eyes, Iida opens a side drawer and stumbles through it as he gently massages the globes of your ass. "I wish I didn't have to do this my dear but you've pushed my hand." Iida declared making you giggle from our m how stupid he sounded. 

In the midst of your amusement, you failed to notice the gentle drag of your pants exposing your bare ass to the world. Your laughter is cut short at the sound of a loud smack and the pain that followed quickly after. "H-Hey what's your d-deal!" You say gripping Iida's knees in a attempt to lift yourself. A firm hand pressed down on your back, "Lay there, this is what happens when you don't listen."

You glared silently to yourself as Iida spreads his legs further under you forcing you to stretch out. You jump as your ass is hit again with something hard. From the corner of your eye, you see the familiar gleam of Iida's silver ruler. "Trust me Y/N this hurts me more than it hurts you."

You roll your eyes from the bullshit you were hearing. "Yeah fucking right, you sound like my mother-ack" your interrupted buy two hard blows going on your right cheek then moving to your left cheek. You could feel the threat of tears forming from the back of your eyes as Iida continues to spank you. 

You whimper trying to hide your pain. After one especially hard smack, you let the tears fall and cry out. "Oka-ay I'm sorry Daddy!" Iida stiffens (daddy chill), "While I have no need for the title, I appreciate the moniker." (Okay abraham lincoln don't pull out the nine...oh wait) Iida motions for you to sit up so you do.

"Get on the floor." You go into your knees wincing at the burn burning feeling in your ass. Using one hand, Iida unzips his pants and pulls out his cock. It was completely soft try he pushed the tip towards your mouth.

You open your mouth obediently as Iida presses your head down so you swallow his cock all the way down to the hilt. For awhile you do the usual bob and weave (wtf are you talking about?) Breathing gently through your nose as his thick cock rested heavily on your tongue, you gaze up at him annoyed as he tossed his head back sighing.

Once Iida felt that he was as hard as he would ever be, he stopped your movement and gently forced your head to rest on his leg. You humm questioning but Iida makes no move to answer as he goes back to working. You suck hard on his dick making him jump. 

Iida takes his hand and pushes your face flush against his stomach forcing his cock to slide gracefully down your esophagus. For a while you allow it, basking in his (crisco engine grease) manly musk. But once the lack of oxygen travelled to your brain you began to panic.

You tap his leg rapidly and make noises of alarm as spit began to accumulate around your mouth. And just before your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Iida releases you and you pull away a choking mess. "What the hell was that for?!" 

"Discipline. Since you wanted my cock so bad, why don't you choke on it." You stand up as Iida laughs at your disheveled state. (Iida having fun? Well I'll be damned that ooc) "That's not even close to discipline!" 

Iida cleared his throat, "Well in the words of my good greetings Kaminari…" Iida holds out his hand in a cupping manor (aye bro ya ween is still out blowin in the breeze), "Spare choochie?"

Edit that shit says choochie fml

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