Mineta Theory

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This isnt a story but im working on a Jujutsu Kaisen one so calm your balls.I just want to talk about Mineta and the hatred surrounded around him

First lets talk about Mineta's charcter. You either hate him or you love him no in-between. But why is that?

Mineta, like EVERY OTHER pervert anime trope has his moments that are far from redeemable. But why do you only see hate for him instead of characters like, (Hisoka, Meliodas, Usui, Denki, Midnight, Reita, heck even my bby daddy Kurosensei) the list goes on.

My answer to that is, Pretty Privilege

I have seen it effectively applying to all these characters (Meliodas is ducking ugly in my opinion but atd)

Now lets examine cause im a petty bitch

Hisoka: look you can't hate Mineta but simp over a pedo in the same breathe and this is coming from a Hisoka simp

Hisoka: look you can't hate Mineta but simp over a pedo in the same breathe and this is coming from a Hisoka simp

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Meliodas: i hope this nigga drowns in his sleep. Number one he aint even cute. Number two whenever i bring him up people always say, "yeah but he was groping his girl" okay say thats true....SHE DONT KNOW SHE WAS HIS GIRL. Not only that but she was 16 when the show started so once again pedophile. I had to stop watching when he litteraly took her underwear while she was wearing it.

Usui: the whole show is litteraly based around him being a sex offender😑 to get the girl he likes

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Usui: the whole show is litteraly based around him being a sex offender😑 to get the girl he likes

Usui: the whole show is litteraly based around him being a sex offender😑 to get the girl he likes

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Reita:  ........

Midnight: yeah yeah we stan femdom Ms. Midnight. But lets not forget them creepy ass PEDO comments she said directed to the 1-A students.


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Korusensei:.....infront of the chitlens dawg?! not infront of the chitlens 🤦🏿‍♀️

infront of the chitlens dawg?! not infront of the chitlens 🤦🏿‍♀️

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Denki: oh boy, whenever i bring him up y'all lose y'all's mind. Denki may not try to grope but he is friends with and enables Mineta's groping. Not only that dont you think that if you hang around someone all the time then you most likely share the same characteristics?🤔

I had a friend just like Mineta but worse, hell he groped me. But i still held him accountable and beat his ass everytime he touched me without asking. Has Denki dissuaded Mineta's antics? 👂🏿👂🏿👂🏿👂🏿👂🏿👂🏿 Thats what i thought

Look in not saying don't hate Mineta, hate him all you want, but keep the same energy with everyone else and don't bully others for likeing Mineta. Cause it aint that deep and the end of the day there are colors and lines on a screen

Also in the great words of the man in the sky:

Also in the great words of the man in the sky:

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