Pumped up Kicks

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I'm honestly so glad someone else shares my love for blond belly button boi. Now I can indulge my Headcanons with abandon. All flirting in here is sickeningly corny, also this was a little longer than I meant it to be. Curse me and my attention to plot.

It got a little yandere ngl. I didn’t quite understand what you meant by hot blooded. Bakugou came to mind but that seems very out of character for Aoyama so it slowly but surely translated to jealousy here.

Welcome to DFS, Dom Femboy Supremacy

The word bitch is used, degradation, Dubious, overstim

You stand on the corner of the plaza waiting for Yuga. Your yellow skirt, being blown by the spring breeze, tickled your legs. It was frillier than anything you were used to, but Aoyama was adamant about you wearing it today, along with a  sleeveless baby blue top.

"Hello, my love!" The sound of heels fill your ears as your roommate comes closer. You watched amused as a pair of black ankle boots came into view. "It's about time you got here, we live together yet you always arrive late." Aoyama scoffed while fluffing his golden locks. "You can't rush art." 

Aoyama dawned a slightly flirtatious look as he finally stood before you. "You're just jealous you could never get on my level." His blue eyes traveled down your outfit. "It looks like you got my present." You brushed imaginary dirt from your blouse. "Yeah, it's cute or whatever. Now come on I'm tired of standing here." 

The two of you strutted down the street, drawing stares from everyone you passed. It was exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time. You watched in awe as Aoyama ate up the attention, the crop top he wore exposed his tight stomach and belly button that shone in the sunlight. His aura turned the street into a runway as he walked.

Busy in your own thoughts, you failed to notice him stop and ran into his shoulder. He glanced at you briefly before pointing across the street, "I'm thinking coffee first movies after?" You raise your hand to shelf your face from the sun and gawk at the large Starbucks across the street. 

"I see you're feeling bougie today." Aoyama shrugs unapologetically.

When you make it inside, you walk up to order, "Don't forget my soy!" Aoyama reminds you, making you gag. "I don't see how you drink that stuff.” Your host today was a very handsome young man . He was the literal definition of tall dark and handsome as his luminous eyes gazed down at you. In the midst of staring, you notice cute swirly horns peeking from his amber curls. 

“Yes, hello can I just get a grande Caramel Frappuccino and a soy latte?” The boy rang up your order and turned with a wink. “Coming right up, I’ll bring it right over to you.” You turn and walk to the table Aoyama chose. “He’s kinda cute don’t you think?”

Aoyama huffed and looked at his cuticles in a bored manner. “He’s alright I guess, a little creepy if you ask me.” You raise an eyebrow and peek a glance at the barista. You noted nothing off-putting about him as he laughed with a fellow coworker. Turning back to Aoyama you flinch as you come in contact with a strong glare. 

“What?” Aoyama’s glare deepens and he says nothing as he raises both hands to his head before cooking his fingers to represent horns. You laughed as he struck a goofy face, “You are so weird.” Your barista comes up to your table and places your drinks down. 

At the last moment, he pulls out a napkin and scribbles something on it with a broad smile. “This is for you.” You giggle softly as you accept the napkin only for it to be snatched from your hands by perfectly manicured french tips. “Sorry buddy, she’s taken.” Both you and the barista looked at Aoyama befuddled. 

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