Hate me║ Alive

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"We are going to Germany!"


What did he say??

My eyes expanded with great disbelief, standing there with a puzzled expression. However, Armin's pleasant smile could only grow larger as he barely contained himself. It had been a long time since I had seen him remotely happy.

"I know this sounds crazy, but that's where Grisha went! He went back to his home country!" Armin exclaimed, "I should have remembered since Eren is german after all!"


My jaw dropped to the fucking floor, I was overly lost now. This information had not been lended to me before.

"Hold on, Eren is german??" I questioned briefly and watched how Armin tilted his head.

"You didn't know?"

"No, nobody ever said anything! I thought he was from here" I shook my head again. Of course the news weren't anything serious, it was just that knowing Eren for all this time I had not caught on.

"Well, ethnically Eren is german since both of his parents are from there. But they moved here after they got married and Eren was born here" Armin explained and it all made sense now. "Haven't you heard him speak german with his mother? They speak it all the time when they're home" Armin chuckled as I shook my head.

"No, I haven't. Wow, this was news to me—but wait, we're going to Germany?!?" Now it was time to actually discuss the real deal.

"Ah right" Armin's features changed, but he didn't have the chance to speak further when someone else dashed down the hallway.

It was Hitch...and Floch.

"Armin, we have to book the tickets now if we're going to get the seats left for tomorrow!" Hitch joined us bristly, sending me a swift nod as if I understood this bizarre situation.

I had no idea what the fuck was happening.

"Y-Yes, let's go to the city. He's waiting there for us!" Armin didn't waste his time by grabbing my hand, "Let's hurry before it's too late!"

My mind was hurling by this point, "Can someone tell me what's going on?!" I was suddenly dragged away by the boy, running down the hallway like mad people.

"We're going to Germany to get Grisha's ass back here once and for all!" Hitch burst out loud, startling all the nurses nearby.

"Are you serious?!" I screeched.

Thus we ran out of the hospital like the idiots we were. Everything happened so fast that I wasn't able to hang on, but I ran.
I ran because I knew the outcome meant that Eren was finally one step to being free.

We were finally looking toward a brighter future.

I found myself in an unfamiliar place with people that I'd never thought would hang out with me. What a bizarre situation indeed.
The walls were filled with traveling posters all the way from France to China. My feet were dangling from the chair, waiting patiently for Armin to come back.

Who knew that his father owned a travel company?

Hitch sighed greatly, leaning against the chair as she closed her eyes. "Man, I can't believe we got ourselves involved into this mess" She mumbled as I nodded slowly.

"Thanks guys...for joining us and all. I know our schools don't have the best history" I was still very surprised that both Hitch and Floch wanted to come with us all the way to Germany. They didn't even have to help us with Eren's situation...

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now