Hate me ║ School clubs

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Team tryouts were today Friday, and I was rooting for my friends with all I had. Most people from our class were joining too, no surprise there.
But, since they were set on football—it left me to find something else I could invest time on.

We had our normal math class in the morning which lasted until 10:30 am. After that, we had time to walk around the school to find any clubs we wanted to join.

Jean and the others shot up from their seats, all of them ready with sports clothes "Let's go everyone!" Jean shouted with determination lingering his voice as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Yay!" Sasha jumped from her seat with her hands in the air. "Let's go!"

"Good luck, everyone!" Historia piped up from her seat, sending the class a big heartwarming smile. I also stood next to her, wanting to cheer them on.

"Thanks, we'll definitely get in!" Connie threw his bag over his shoulder as well.

I made eye contact with Eren for a moment. I sent him a slow nod—as if wishing him good luck because I knew how much he wanted to get in.

Eren and I hadn't talked since Monday about the money or how it went. Nor did I ask what happened, but Eren looked happier at least.

That bastard texted me on Tuesday, asking me the answers for the biology homework which I denied him on purpose. After that, we've been annoying each other about whatever crap came to our minds, or just chat shit about people from our school. All of this happened through text though, at school we would only catch eye contact and move on.

Just yesterday evening, my father asked if Eren needed more money because he thought 1000$ weren't enough. He kept pestering me about Eren's future license or college choices and I just annoyedly shrugged him off. If Eren needed money, he would ask. We weren't his bank so I didn't wanna beg him to ask for money.

Before we knew it, most of our classmates went to the football field to get their harsh physical tests started. The final announcements of who got in would be released at 3 pm. I promised my friends I would be there until then.

But now, I had my own job to find a nice club that I could enjoy. I didn't have anything particularly in mind—in middle school we didn't have any clubs so that was that.

Historia and I walked down the hallways, there were open doors to many classrooms for different clubs. "So, what are you looking for Y/n?" Historia asked me, hands behind her back as we strolled further.

"Hmmm...I don't really know what I'm good at" I frowned sadly. I felt like everyone from our class were so physically gifted and I wasn't...so what could I offer?

Historia gave me a comforting smile, "You don't have to be good, but as long as you find something you enjoy, it should be well enough" The girl grinned warmly.

Seriously, could anyone irk this girl?

"Thanks Historia" I smiled lightly, "What about you?"

Historia's grin got even wider, "I'm thinking about the cooking club, I really enjoy making food for my family!"

She is gonna be such a good wife! Nobody's gonna wanna marry my sorry ass

"Ah Historia!" I cried out, "You're so perfect at everything! I feel so talentless" I ruffled my hair in dismay. Seriously, even if Historia didn't like physical exercise, she was good at other things.

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