Hate Me ║ Lost pt 2

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We layed there on the ground, in pain and agony for quite a while. My whole face was drenched in blood and I was about to pass out when I felt a hand slap my face lightly.

"D-Don't you dare fall asleep" It was Eren. He was laying on his stomach next to me, barely keeping his weight up with his arms. It was the first time I saw how bad his face and body was bruised.

"How hurt are you?" I tried sitting up a little, feeling my back sprain. The boy only shook his head with a groan, head falling back to the ground again. "Eren!" I reached out a hand worried that he might've passed out.

"I'm fine" Eren sneered in an annoyed manner, trying to sit up again.

"Did you hurt yourself anywhere severe?" I ignored his bratty attitude and sat up, trying to stretch my legs. The boy didn't reply, causing me to give him a look. I noticed him struggling to stand up on his feet.

"Gosh Eren you're so stubborn!" I moved up to my knees and grabbed his shoulder, placing him back down to sit. He seemed to be in pain, but I couldn't figure out where because his ass was too stubborn to admit it.

"I told you I was fine!" He snapped back at me, not long before he placed a hand over his abdomen, teeth gritting hard.

"Yeah, fine just as my ass" I rolled my eyes at him, sitting down next to his level. "Now Jaeger, where does it hurt?" I asked him yet again. This boy was seriously testing my patience.

He was clutching his stomach, biting his lip. "I think I might have landed on some rocks when we fell" He mumbled out, winching in more pain.

I was about to say something, but stopped as I noticed Eren's hand. My eyes widened, his hand was full of blood. "Oh my god! Eren, your stomach is bleeding!" I screeched, not knowing what to do.

His face flew into shock as he looked at the palm of his hand. His sweater equally drenched in blood. Without hesitation I pulled up his sweater to reveal his delicious abs (Okay, I'm a girl and I noticed!) and the awful bruise. It looked like he was stabbed by something!

"Shit" Eren cursed, looking at the bruise. I swallowed and looked up at him worriedly.

"I need to stop the bleeding"

His lips pursed, probably dying to throw me another insult. But the boy couldn't deny his body in agony so he nodded briefly.

"Fuck, I'm starting to get cold" Eren shivered slightly, a sign his body was losing too much blood. I panicked and ripped of the sleeves of my shirt.

"Okay, don't move. I'll tie this around your waist" I gave him a slow nod, stretching the cloth in my hand. The boy bit his lip when I tightened my ripped cloth around his waist, careful not to hurt him too much.

After Eren was securely wrapped up, I asked him if he was hurting anywhere else. Of course the boy said no. I quickly checked myself to see if I could stand up safely. I was able to do so, my ankle hurt a little bit, but nothing I couldn't handle. I was probably gonna feel the pain a lot more the next day.

I helped Eren up on his feet, placing his arm around my shoulder so I could keep him steady. "If we run into those wolves again, we won't be able to run" Eren stated, his voice strained.

I felt my heart sink at his words, but all I could do was pull a nice smile. "We have to keep going, if we don't reach camp soon you might bleed out"

"Or get eaten up by a wolf" Eren said with a smirk to his features.

"Eren!" I scolded, "Don't say such things, you might jinx it" I playfully nudged his head with mine.

"Hah, it's not like you wouldn't want that to happen" Eren seemed to be joking, but a part of actually felt like he was serious. I never wanted this to happen, yes I hated his guts and everything about him, but I could never wish harm upon him.

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