Hate me ║ Step back

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The hurl outside my house only got more massive. There was a thin silence before the bell rang again, I didn't understand who could be at my freaking doorstep at this hour.

But what confused me more, that was Eren. He took a long breath before quickly gathering his things. I moved forward to open the door (because like—common curtesy) when the boy halted me. "Y/n, stop! What are you doing?" Eren pulled the sleeve of my shirt back.

"I'm opening the door, this is my premises Eren" I stared at him confusingly, "Is everything okay?" I decided to ask before Eren's eyes flashed with hidden fear. He bit his lip, trying to get his words out.

"Don't open, I'll go and you stay here" Eren gestured me back to the kitchen counter before he bolted forward to open the door. My eyes expanded even more as I ran behind him and into the main hallway.

"Eren! This is my house, you can't just ask me to stay behind" I frowned as I reached him. His whole body was shaking, staring down to the floor.

"Just...for once listen to me!" He yelled back, but even so. I ignored him and jogged passed him to open the door myself.

"Oh for god's sake" Eren complained.

As soon as I unlocked the door, my face was met with the harsh wind, making my hair fly back and eyes close for a second. But that wasn't it. Facing me stood a tall and broad figure, an oozing sensation swept through my stomach and I staggered a step backward.

It was a man, a little bearded with the most intense glare I had ever seen someone wear. He was wearing a police uniform and my blood froze. "G-Good evening o-officer, how may I-I help you?" My hand was trembling as I clutched the doorknob in my hand tightly.

His whole presence was overwhelming. Let's just say, I was vanishing completely behind his shadow.

"I'm here looking for my son, Eren" His voice was deep and quite gruff. My stomach started to coil very badly, this man was scary. But I knew, I knew this wasn't Eren's biological father.

They looked nothing alike.
Their presence was nothing alike.

"I know he's here. He has a little tendency to get...lost sometimes" His scowl deepened further, this man was angry. He appeared calm and collected, but his eyes...they were vivid.

Not vivid like Eren's beautiful eyes, but vivid as in someone who only carried hatred in their soul.

"O-Oh uhm...his practice got canceled, I and he had some homework left to do so we thought it was best to come to my house!" I didn't know why, but my mouth was rambling all the excuses I could find. It was as on instinct, I couldn't even think properly. I was scared to say the wrong thing.

"You're one of his classmates I presume?" The man spoke with a little softer voice, but I wasn't buying it. My senses were screeching to close the damn door and...protect Eren from this man.

A police officer, what choice did I have?

"Y-Yes, just classmates" I tried giving him an amiable smile, to show him I wasn't intimidated by his approach. But I was, his whole presence made me freeze in one place.

"I'm here...sorry it took so long" Eren appeared next to me, giving me a little startle.

"You thought it was smart not to call me? Your mother was worried" The man's aura changed drastically. If I thought he was scary before, now he seemed like he wanted to strangle someone. "You know I hate making your mother worried" He snared, eyebrows creased.

"Sorry.." Eren mumbled weakly. I saw his breath getting lighter and lighter like he was walking on air, trying not to piss off this man. I would do the same.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now