Hate me ║ Happy new Year ♥︎

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// My book is almost at 20k, I can't believe it🥺 Thank you soooo much for the constant support ♥︎ //


"See you late—"

"Y-You're lyi—"

"AAAHHH!!!!!!" A loud scream was harked across the pitch dark room. I was abruptly awoken by Eren shrieking up to a sitting position, hands all over his hair in panic as he cried out in vain.

I felt my pulse quicken up, "E-Eren!!—what's the matter?!" I was still lost from slumber and found my own head dizzy.

It was still around 3-AM and the night yet to pass. 

Eren wasn't responding, he was barely breathing. "Eren, it's okay. Did you have a nightmare?" I tried shaking his shoulder, seeing his head snap towards me. What was going on? He had never acted so off before.

Eren settled down, taking in a few inhales before he looked at his hands. "No...I don't know. I don't know what that was....it felt like a long dream" Eren ended his sentence with a shake to his head, "You're...you were-" Eren bit his lip, shutting himself up.

The silence embraced us and I kept caressing his shoulder in a comforting manner. He was probably confused because of his fever.

That was my initial thought.

"Hey, everything is alright. You're safe here" I compelled the boy to stare at me. His expression was none the less disoriented as he grit his teeth, a hand over his forehead in agony. "Your fever is back, let me go to the bathroom and get you some more medicine" I placed my hand on his forehead before rising up from the bed.

"Y/n..." Eren's soft voice rang across the room, he sounded defeated.

"What is it?" I swung around, standing next to the door.

Eren was finding it hard to look me properly in the eyes and I couldn't understand why. "Are you going to....no, never mind. It was nothing"

I could tell something was on his mind but at the time. I had no clue. Absolutely no fucking idea.

I went to the bathroom, quietly nipping through the hall to not make any noise. The house was deadly quiet and I knew my classmates had passed out somewhere. I just hoped things downstairs were still compact.

I switched the lights on in the bathroom and it made me squeeze my eyes. I was planning on taking a pill myself because I was really getting down with a cold. How great.

Good that I and Eren couldn't infect each other though.

I slipped up to the cabinets but halted when I stepped on something cold. It was blood. Eren's blood.
"Oh no..." My hands flew up to my lips with sorrow, I had forgotten to clean the floor. "Eren..." I couldn't help but start to cry. It was shattering to see this, knowing what happened just a few hours ago.

I gathered some papers and started cleaning the floor. It wasn't a lot, but my heart really broke when I reached the wall.

I saw the small razor blade Eren used to cut himself and it stung my heart. I and Jean hadn't even noticed it when we tried helping Eren. But now I did and I struggled to get myself together.

I picked it, but then I felt something sting my finger, drawing out blood. I gasped in shock before something flashed through my eyes-

"See you later, Eren"

"Y-You're lying—tell me you're lying!!"

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now