Hate me║ After the crash

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The sky was plundering the day I arrived back home. It was even a miracle that flights were allowed to soar the sky—I guess it was my first time being in favor.
But what awaited me was far worse.

I could still hear it, the thunder massacring the sky with no rainfall yet. My eyes watched the airplane near the gateway. I was finally back home alone.

I came back alone.

"Y/n?! What's wrong? Please talk to me!" Armin ram after me as I began forcefully packing my belongings. My heart racked inside my chest and I soon lost all senses.

I had one goal and that was to get on the next flight home.

"I have to get back home. I can't stay here anymore" I wobbled forward, almost tripping and losing my balance. My vision was beginning to fade and my head was aching so badly that I wanted to cry.

Petra's pleading voice was still so very fresh.

"Did someone happen? Y/n, please tell me" Armin was clearly overwhelmed and I didn't have the heart to tell him myself. I stared up at the boy, lips quivering like a lost child.

"No..." Armin's expression went dull, eyes losing their light.

I didn't have much time left. The clock was ticking and I needed to go home for the last time.

People were swarming all over the airport, making me struggle to find my way through. My heart rate was exceeding like nothing before, yet not one ounce of tears had descended my eyes; I couldn't cry anymore.

Waiting in line to have my passport checked was even worse. I fished up my phone, receiving many missed calls from Petra and some messages from Armin. But not for a long time, I had seen messages from Historia and Marco.

This was it.

After the checkup, I was good to go and didn't waste time leaping out of the airport building. From afar, I recognized Dave's car and felt inner relief surge through my body. "Dave!" I yelled out.

His head instantly veered to meet my disheartening expression. "L/n-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before I tumbled into him, wrapping my arms around his frame and doing everything I could to not cry. I couldn't cry yet.

Dave's posture fell loosely against me, placing a hand on top of my head for comfort as he rubbed my back. No words were needed to be said. "It's okay, I'm here for you" Was all he could whisper.

The sky was booming by this point, but it wasn't raining.

"I got your message and left right away. Don't worry, I haven't told your parents anything" Dave's soft voice made me feel somewhat at ease when I pulled away.

"Thank you" Was all I could reply. It felt like my soul was being lifted off my body and I couldn't feel anything at all...anymore. I knew what was awaiting me.

Dave gestured me into the car and I sat down. He then presided to walk over to the driver's side and sat himself in. Before starting the engine, Dave shuffled for something in the backseat before handing me a wrapped sandwich and a soda. "I assume you haven't eaten" He smiled bristly.

My eyes almost swelled up, recalling the month I barely ate and lost a lot of weight that I still struggled to gain back. Dave had been worried for me so much, he even knew my mind by now.

"Thank you, Dave" I stared at the food before taking a bite. "For taking care of me" I found it weird that Dave was the one who saw that my health was deteriorating when my mother couldn't even tell. Or she didn't want to talk about at least.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now