Hate me ║ Cherish

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The rest of the night went swiftly by. Carla lend me a pair of pajamas and I scrambled back to Eren's room. I couldn't believe I was spending the night here, yet I wasn't uncomfortable at all. Carla was so nice and made me feel like I was home, she was a good mother indeed.

We decided that I'd sleep in Eren's room on a mattress. "Just remember to keep the door open" The woman provided us a final grin before disappearing to her own room for the night.

I was left with a millions of questions, but I was also so damn tired and my energy levels nonexistent. I sprawled across the mattress, letting myself sink on the pillow sluggishly. "Gosh, I could sleep for eternity" I mumbled leniently.

"Mhm, we have extra toothbrushes in the bathroom if you need" Eren waltzed into the room, startling my ass back to a sitting position. He was just standing there with half of his toothbrush inside his mouth.

"Oh thanks" I got up on my feet lazily, "I guess none of us were prepared for this sleepover" I laughed as I nudged the side of his arm teasingly.

"Nothing is prepared when it comes to you" Eren groaned, causing me to retain a laugh. He was so right on point.

"That is the most truthful thing you've said Jaeger" I chirped as we trotted over to the bathroom. The floor had warming cables and I swore if I laid down—I would fall right asleep. The clock had tipped 12 by now and I had been awake since 8 o'clock in the morning.

Eren found a new toothbrush and handed it to me. We both stood in front of the sink, gazing at the mirror. Eren was standing directly behind me hence he was taller and could still see his reflection clearly. "Y/n, you're so small" Eren declared, continuing to brush his teeth like he didn't just insult me.

"Whaaa!! I'm not that small—Historia is shorter than me!" I exclaimed bitterly, moving to face him more directly.

I noted the smirk on his lips stretch even more. "You still have to look up at me, that means you're tiny" Eren poked my forehead playfully as my cheeks fired up.

"Tiny?!—no, I'm a girl, of course it's normal for me to look up at you" I stuck out my tongue, "You're just doing this to piss me off" I grumbled annoyedly.

"—And I never said it wasn't my favorite hobby" Eren teased back, washing his mouth with water.

"Hah!" I wheezed, "I think the whole class knows that by now" I finished up washing my mouth as well, starting to trail back to his room again.

"Do you need anything else?" Eren stood still at the hem of his closet, starting to remove his sweater slowly.

My face turned into stone, "I'd very much like to have you fully dressed" I pointed out loud and clear.

Eren's head twirled to face mine, completely distraught. "You want me to die of the warmth?!" He stopped what he was doing for a moment.

"We can open a window!" I exclaimed.

"It's still going to be too warm!!" Eren yelled back.

Our bickering was never ending, let me tell you.

"Geez Eren, do all boys sleep shirtless? You guys have no shame" I defiantly sprawled over the mattress, relishing into the soft bedsheets. I was so exhausted, I had no idea how I could keep up arguing with Eren. It seemed like I had infinite energy for that cause.

I called my parents earlier and told them I was staying over at Mikasa's house. No chance in hell would they allow me to sleep over at a boys house. My father would personally come here and chop Eren's head off.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now