Hate me║ Forgotten

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One week.
One week until everything was finally over.

I was sitting on my window sill again, sighing peacefully and letting my shoulders relax with some hot tea. I loved sitting here and reading to calm my mind down.

I knew what was coming, so I took it up upon myself to prepare so the goodbye wouldn't be harsh. Even though it would be. I knew this was coming for months yet...every fiber of my body fought back. But I couldn't fight any longer. I felt defeated.

My window was open halfway, letting the fresh air tingle my skin. The weather was pretty clouded today, but I actually enjoyed it. My eyes were stuck to my book, immersing my mind into a world that didn't exists because I didn't quite enjoy my reality right now.

A text message popped on my phone which I wanted to ignore, but I couldn't. "Ohh" I had forgotten that Oliver was supposed to call me after he was finished at school. I pressed the button to his caller ID and let it ring.

"Hey, Y/n" I could hear him panting as he had probably just reached the train. "Sorry, I had to stay behind and help the teacher today" He sighed.

I put my book on my lap and let my head rest on the wall, staring at the gloomy clouds. They reminded me of England so much. "It's fine, Oliver. Only a week now until I'm back home" I chuckled, although my heart twisted at the words.

"...I know you told me to not mention it again, but I'm sorry for what happened. I can't imagine" He sighed into the phone again. "I talked to the principal today and asked if you could enter my class. He said yes so that's reassuring at least" He said.

Ahh...that's good
I don't have to start all over again

"Thank you, Oliver. For always looking out for me" I smiled warmly, bringing my knees up to my chest. I knew that I could rely on him for everything. He was just like a brother I never had.

"No need to thank me. I know you don't want to move here, but you're not alone, Y/n. I'll protect you" He claimed with a heartfelt laugh, "You're like my sister after all now. I've adopted you"

"Oh wow" I grimaced, "I guess I don't have a choice then"

"No, you don't" Oliver snickered before his voice tuned softly again. "Hey, we can visit that bakery again! I've missed going there with you"

I could only smile ever so tenderly. Oliver was trying his best to make this move easier on my behalf. He reminded me off all the fun stuff we did together and that did help. A lot actually...

"So...I guess I'll see you there next Sunday" The moment I let those words roll off my lips, my whole body tensed. I had to be strong for Oliver too, he was doing so much for me. Calling me everyday to make sure I was okay.

"I'll come to the airport to greet you" He stated without missing a beat as I gasped.

"N-No, you don't have to come all the way to the airport" I panicked, already feeling bad that he had to take care of me so much.

"No, but I want to see you once you land. I know it's going to be hard...I want to be there" I could tell that he was smiling by the tone of his voice. I didn't deserve this boy.


"Y/n!!" I flinched once my mother called my name from downstairs. I quickly pulled the phone to my ear again and responded to Oliver.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now