Hate me║ Our story

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Just like everything began on that faithful day, it ended the same way. Or could I even say that anything was the same? Because these foreign feelings were attached to my very soul.
I'd never feel at home anywhere else in this world.

But something so soft and small was entangled in my hand. Maybe I could carry my sweet home in this pink fabric? Maybe it was all I needed to accept this reality? This life and all its wonders? Because I had to.

There was no going back anymore.

The doors were closed and the calls for my flight number were being announced. To others, this might have been just a normal trip, with family. But to me, this meant goodbye to my most beloved home.

The most precious place to ever exist.
I was grateful. I did laugh, I did learn just how to be alive.
Even if it can't be with him anymore.

"Y/n, are you sure you have everything with you?" My mother spoke up next to me. We were still in line to get our baggage sent off. The line was awfully long, just dragging on for endless miles it seemed. Or maybe...I was just impatient.

"I do" I let my voice out, even though it hurt so much to speak. I don't believe I'll ever talk the same way once I step foot into that country. It was so hard, so difficult to form words I had been used to speak for all my life.
They held no value to me.

Even so, my mother still kept insisting to talk with me. Like she didn't know that I had no care in her pointless small talk. She knew exactly how I felt about her and the decision to remove me away, tear me away from this place.

She knew it all.
I was never going to be the same person.

"I'm glad" She smiled halfheartedly. She didn't even try to fake it more, because there was no point in that I guessed. "Pristine is such a great school. We already talked with the principal this morning! They are so excited to greet you on Monday" She yelped out, eyes gleaming with this joy that I couldn't share.

"M/n" My father was very swift to speak, eyes narrowed as he glared at my mother. "Enough" Was all he muttered before veering around, looking through his phone because he could neither gaze at me.

My mother clamped her mouth shut. I had no issues with that exactly. I was already sick to hear her gauge about Pristine all day like she even cared which high school I applied to. She just desired me to get close with Oliver and forget about Eren.

Eren...I'm so sorry

Forget our story. The suffering we went through to create a safe and happy future for him.
She wanted me to stamp all over it and have me become a different person.

Soon enough, we got our luggage sent off and moved out of the line. My parents shifted us towards the other line where our passports were going to be inspected. After we passed that line, there would really be no turning back.

I couldn't believe I was leaving like this.

I was supposed to go to school tomorrow with them. I even had my art club to attend too. I had just missed out on this amazing project...it went all in vain. God, I was so pathetic.




Something struck my body. I couldn't move or do anything at all, again.

This wasn't real.
Why wouldn't it get finished? This story.

I lifted my head and saw those devastated faces, screaming and crying through the wave of people. At that moment, I recognized myself because how many times had I done this for them?

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now