Hate me ║ Lakewoods pt.2

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Why was my heart twisting this way?

Wait...did he just walk away?!

"Oi, Eren!!" I darted out of the room rapidly, "You can't just walk away like that!" I yelled after him, seeing that he reached the top of the staircase. But before any of us could react, another voice shrilled from one of the other rooms.

My head snapped back as I heard mild crying. "B-Big brother?" Juliet lurched out of the room, wearing her blue nightgown and she was crying her eyes out. Her mall body was trembling with fear as she called after her brother.

"Eren?" I mumbled, thinking that he had already gone downstairs again.

But Juliet's wails had already perked Eren's attention. He paced back to the hallway and up to my side, "She probably had a nightmare, come on" Eren grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me after.

Juliet saw us approaching and she carried herself closer, eyes full of tears. "E-Eren! I'm scared, where is Marco?" Juliet questioned wretchedly but calmed down once Eren picked her up and made sure she felt secure.

"Marco is downstairs, don't worry, he hasn't left you here alone. Do you want us to tuck you in again?" Eren cooed softly in her ear, making my heart flutter. I had never seen him so compassionate with someone else before, but it was adorable.

Juliet nodded through her sniffles, "Y/n too" She surprised me by wanting to have me there as well. Juliet didn't have that emotional bond with me, so I expected her to stay a little reluctant still.

"Of course, I'm right here. Nobody is going to hurt you" I planted myself next to Eren, letting Juliet cradle my palm. She managed a thin smile, cuddling herself against Eren's chest for protection. She was so too adorable for my soul to handle.

We ambled into the room Juliet came from. Initially, she had long ago gotten to bed, so we made sure to place her back down. Eren wrapped the blankets securely around her figure and patted her brown locks.

I sat down next to her on the bed whilst Eren laid on the floor. I watched her eyes flutter as Eren continued to pet her hair. "She seems to be falling asleep" I murmured with a mellow smile.

"She was probably frightened waking up in an unfamiliar place" Eren mumbled, watching how Juliet's eyes finally closed and body falling more limply. She was sound asleep again, rolling over to her right side.

"She is so cute if only I could steal her from Marco and adopt her myself" I planted myself on the floor next to Eren, head resting against the bedside. Juliet's hair had fallen over her face and I gently removed it, hearing her soft snores.

By this time, I had sobered up pretty well and thought back to what just happened in the closet. Gosh, I avoided Eren's gaze with all my might. Did he regret it maybe?... I didn't.

Without registering it at first, I sensed something warm wrap itself on my hand. Juliet's small hand grasped my finger and clutched it tight, muffling in her sleep like she had a vivid dream.

"M-Mom?" Juliet whispered, still in her deep sleep. My cheeks erupted into a shade of pink, I couldn't exactly move, afraid that she might stir awake.

"Mom? Haha...she must be having a dream about her family" I giggled it off, not aware that Eren had fallen asleep too. His head resting against the bedside where he played with Juliet's hair before she entered dreamland. "Oh my gosh, I have to tuck in two people now" I laughed to myself.

Eren's face was facing mine, his bangs lazily fallen across his face as he snored lightly.

He must have been tired

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