Hate me ║ Favours

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It was Thursday and I was freed from the hospital. I came to the conclusion that I absolutely HATED hospitals to the very core. Wanna know why?

Remember that big (scary) nurse that Eren was assigned to? Yeah her. SHE turned out to be my main nurse as well as Eren's. Pray for us.

Eren's room was right next to mine, how awesome was that? Not. Because that meant she got to take care of us both. She was definitely unique and that's saying it lightly.

    Thursday came too slowly. I was finished dressing up in my room. My parents were waiting outside in their car so I had to hurry—not only did they also leave their job to come pick me up, but they also scheduled to spend the whole day with me.

I left the hospital in peace, the sliding door opening for my presence. Upon reaching the stairs, I noted Eren standing nearly at the end on his phone, he seemed to be quite agitated.

"Just...stop, I'll do it by myself..." Eren muttered weakly, clutching the phone in his hand tightly.

I was mildly shocked at what I was hearing. I had no idea who he was talking too, but it didn't seem good. Just before I was about to say something, Eren closed off his phone and started aiming down the rest of the stairs. He had his bag from the camp over his shoulder and it seemed heavy to carry.

"Eren" I quickly trailed after him, surprising him once he spotted me. "Are you okay? Do you have someone picking you up?" I asked the boy.

"Y/n?" Eren's face turned from grim to his usual frown. "Eh...I'll be fine, I just have to catch a bus or something" He grumbled annoyedly. "I'll se you on Friday" Eren picked up his pace, it seemed like he tried to avoid me but I wasn't having any of it.

"Eren who was that on the phone?"

My question seemed to strike a jolt through him, because he stopped moving.

"Not any of your damn business" Eren replied coolly. Back to his distant self, but this time it made me feel disheartened. I was so sick and tired of this non stop loop we were in, I should've just listened to Jeans advice.

"Okay...sorry for asking" I mumbled. I didn't have the energy to start fighting with him.

"Look, I don't understand what we're doing Y/n" Eren suddenly spoke, "We're not friends, you hate me and I hate you. We're in different groups and we should just leave it at that"

"Fucking hell Eren, I know that! Are you done with this superiority complex already?" I sent the boy a sharp glare, not in any mood to start arguing anymore. Fuck, I should've just kept my mouth shut.

Eren's face looked at me in disgust.

"You guys keep acting so high and mighty. Guess what? You're not any better than anybody at school" Insults came out off my lips left and right. I was acting out, but I couldn't help it!

I had no clue why, but images of Mikasa came through my head. Her attitude towards me and others—acting like she was so much better. It annoyed the hell out of me.

"No wonder Jean didn't want to be friends with you and neither should I. People like you just want others to feel low so that you can feel better"

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