Hate me ║ Lost pt 1/2

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Holy shit


Holy fucking SHIT

I stared at the scene in front of me. I couldn't believe it. What in the world had I gotten myself into?

"Eh guys...I think we are lost?" Marco trembled next to me. Yep. He was damn right. We were completely utterly lost.

And the scene in front of me? Well...try imagining two idiots (Jean and Connie) walking in the forest, pretending to be men, showing us the way to glory! But the whole fucking time held the map upside down!!

Now they were both sprawled on the ground in fucking tears.


But let me take us back a moment and explain how I got myself into this predicament.

The next day at the camp came by, no surprise there. I was so damn tired, I swear I could've murdered the person who thought it was a good idea to start playing the trumpet to wake us up. But I restrained myself, didn't wanna go to jail ya'know?

Wondering why I was tired? Well because some idiots snook out of the dorm rooms and made me tag along with them. After being at the beach place and living through that awful tension between Jean and Eren, I was already in a bad mood—despite getting amends with Eren.

Connie and Jean decided to wake us up and drag us outside in the middle of the night—for no god damn reason. I had to go because I couldn't let Historia on her own since Ymir was still sleeping. (a heavy ass sleeper she must have been, despite being woken up by my simple moving the night before...bitch)

We walked outside, talked and had a good time. All the usual, until we reached the lake that was close by. I was watching the water in silence, enjoying how the moon reflected on the surface. Until Connie came running like a mad man, slipping on his feet and accidentally dragging me into the water with him. Fucking hell what a nice night I had.

Jean was balling out in laughter, so much he couldn't breath and sounded like a ceal in labor. Historia (of course) was the only one worried for my being, thank goodness for her existence.

After me and Connie had gotten back to the shore again, we must have made so much sound because a night guard came by with a flashlight. Let's just say, Connie earned ten slaps on the ass for what he did by me and the next hour was being used to scold us.

Yes. I was damn right tired.

Sasha, Ymir and Marco were all oblivious as to what happened since they slept like sleeping beauty in their sheets. We meet up at the eating hall like usual. I didn't know what our plans would be and I couldn't care less. As long as it wasn't too much physical activity going on.

"Okay, listen up students!" Judy cupped her hands as she stood at the front of all the tables. Including all the students in our grade, I would've used a mic to talk. These people were boisterous with a loud mouth.

Goosh...how does everyone have some much energy in the morning?

"Uh..." Judy dropped her hands in hesitation, finding out that literally nobody was listening to her. I rolled my eyes and smacked Sasha on the head.

"Be quiet! Judy is trying to announce something" I scowled at her.

With a big pout, she shut her loud mouth.

Thank god

Okay, I get it. I was in an awful mood, but I couldn't help it. With last nights events, all my chances of being happy went south.
My mouth hung open when I noticed the mess hall going quiet...too quiet. I looked at the front, seeing Shadis standing there with a terrifying expression.
He didn't even have to yell to make us shut up....

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