Hate me ║ Friends

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The one thing I couldn't despise, the ONE thing and it had to happen on the first day...I was already starting to hate this place.

Since our school had miserably failed to inform us of the athletic test, we were forced to borrow the school's gym uniforms. I didn't know they even had one, my schedule never said that.
But apparently, they left out a lot of things. Not to mention that these boys in my class had also lost their minds, fighting in class with no manners? Kill me.

Shadis showed us where the lockers rooms were located. One for boys and one for girls. As I entered, I wondered why there weren't any other students in the halls...were we the only class taking this physical exam?

Oh lord help me....of course we are

I sighed and found a locker to place my things into. The room was quiet, none of the girls were talking to each other. I gulped slightly, avoiding to look at any of them. Our stupid teacher forgot to take an introduction round, so I didn't know any of their names.

Calm down Y/n...just survive this week and the weekend will come to save you

I clasped my hands together, praying for the test to be easy. I hate running, I hate sweating and I hate everything that has to do with exercise.

I quickly put on the blue sports clothes that consisted of blue shorts, a white t-shirt, and a blue jacket. It was quite hot outside so I left the jacket behind.

I walked out and followed potato girl outside to the field. There were a grass field and a track around it. Normal enough. Most of the boys had gotten outside. That same guy I bumped into was talking with that seemingly friendly blond-haired boy, immediately scowling when he saw me. I returned the gesture before gazing the other way.

This Eren guy really has it out for me....gosh I hope I don't get teamed up with him!!

I shrieked to myself when someone touched my shoulder. I twisted around to find Jean and that yellow-eyed boy next to him, grinning like an idiot.

"Hey Y/n," Jean said lazily, he had his usual scowl on as well. I wondered why he even bothered to talk to me if he wasn't interested to have a conversation, or maybe he had a resting bitch face?

"So this is Y/n? Nice to meet you, I'm Connie" He smiled brightly and shook my hand multiple times. My eyebrows lifted in surprise to see how much energy he had in the morning—compared to Jean.

I recalled that Jean had a fit with Eren, and Connie was fighting with that tall blond male who looked very scary. The same guy who almost hit me with that chair!

"You!" I yelled and took a step away, causing confusion to wash over their faces. "I almost got killed by that chair! Why were you even fighting in the first place!?" I panicked defensibly.

Jean snickered like a fool and tried to control his laughter. My eyes narrowed deadly, these boys were asking for it.

"That blond guy you were fighting with, almost killed me with that chair!!" I yelled in defense. They just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded.

"Oh, you mean Reiner?" Connie perked up with an innocent smile. Jean just kept snickering, but he could laugh all he wanted, I saw how bruised his nose was and thought back to Eren punching him in the face.

I shivered when Connie sputtered out his name, Reiner. He was a fucking Eiffel Tower and way more muscular than Connie—how did he even dare to stand up to him?!

"Yeah he can be pretty scary, but he's not!....at least when you don't piss him off hehe" Connie smiled awkwardly and placed a hand over his neck. "We've all been friends since elementary school so it's normal for us by now"

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now