Hate me║ Exhaustion

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// I'm feeding y'all well today. Get ready for this loooong chapter and future chapters ahead!!
Thanks for reading💞 //


Halloween was upcoming this Saturday and that also meant Jeans party was at its corner, tomorrow to be exact as Friday came to be.

I was very excited since it was my first big party and the whole grade was invited. Jean and Connie, those two idiots wanted to drink alcohol and disregard the fact that we were still minors. I swear, this party was gonna become a babysitting regiment. But I still wanted to go regardless.

Me Y/n L/n found a new hobby to do, and that was to make Eren lunch every day. Can you believe that I am spending my OWN time in the kitchen cooking for that idiot? The boy who so rudely ran into me on my first day of school, yelled at me countless of times and dragged my nerves to their fucking limits.

Sigh. A very big sigh.

After all that heated history, I still wanted to help him. Because Eren risked his life for mine and he...wasn't a bad person. It was freaking hard to explain, but some things had changed yet I had more questions now than answers.

My relationship with my friends eased down as the week progressed. Luckily, neither of them brought the situation up again from Monday and I was thankful. I promised myself I wasn't going to mess up again. So that meant...I could not for the life of mine meet Floch and let him explain shit.

That was just how it needed to be.

I got Eren's locker combination and opened his locker every morning to place his lunch in it. I didn't tell any of my friends this or else they'd have my head completely.
And each day, in the afternoon when our classes finished, I found the box put into my locker again with a cute sticky note on top saying 'thank you'

Honestly, I thought the gesture was adorable. Eren was at least eating it and he seemed to like the food I prepared.

So we did this every day for this week. I learned new ways to cook and got better each time. I spent an hour a day and started making my lunch colorful and exciting. Historia was the first to notice how my lunch had gotten upgraded. She thought it was amazing even though today was the fifth day I had made Eren a lunchbox.

I rolled up my window for the beautiful morning. It was Friday and I couldn't wait for the weekend to start. "Good morning world!!" I yelled loudly for all to hear.

"Gosh I feel amazing today" I chuckled to myself and went on to do my morning routine before I departed for school. Dave drove me to school as always and I was so excited to see what Eren thought of my lunch today.

I had made a traditional Japanese bento box, it was absolute hell to make, but I thought I did fine with the results. I picked up the phase and snuck the lunch into Eren's locker. The action always made my blood pressure rise

"Y/n what are you doing in Eren's locker?"


I jolted away in a gush, crashing into the person harshly. "Ah sorry! Fuck" I cursed as I stared at the fallen Historia on the floor. She scratched her nose in dismay, groaning at the pain I had caused her.

"What's going on?" She averted her eyes to mine. I immediately flung my hands behind my back, eyes darting everywhere but her. I was so fucked I didn't know what to respond.

"Uhm...nothing, I just uh mistook it for mine!" I threw out a lousy response, feeling the suspicion rise from her eyes. Fuck, I knew that this idea wasn't going to last me long. Opening Eren's locker whilst the whole grade had their lockers on the second-floor hallways. It WAS the ingredients for disaster.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now