Hate me║ Fate

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It was Tuesday and I managed to stay away from interacting with Eren. Not like he would pay me a second glance...n-not like I even wanted him to be a little interested.

He had a hard time adjusting.

I could see it clearly. He was fidgety and kept his shoulders strained, even though he was quiet and appeared calm—I knew he was far from it. I knew him that well by now.
It pained me more than anything to watch him go through that. And being crowded by people certainly wasn't helping.

We entered the cafeteria and a swirl of girls surrounded their table—Alice was one of them.

For fucks sake—that girl!

I was about to topple over when I decided to turn my head the other way. Mikasa could deal with them, I was sure of it. I grabbed my lunch box and walked out of the cafeteria before anybody caught me leaving. I needed to be alone.

It was so hard to breathe in the same room as him. At least I could get some time away while eating and the weather was better today. My feet brought me outside the main entrance as I ambled down the staircase.

"What a mess..." I peered down to my pink lunchbox, clenching it my hands tightly. There was nothing I could do but stay far away. It was better this way. The less Eren knew about me, the better for him in the future.

The future...

I couldn't see any future right now.

Before I perceived anything else, I found myself situated next to the fountain. Out of all places I decided to visit...I really was asking for heartache. And I had the same lunchbox I gave Eren that day.

That warm autumn day.
That day when he smiled so brightly.

"Dammit...not again" My head began pounding so much that I had to sit down. I was beginning to wonder if I had developed migraines because it was so unbearable at times. "I just want it to stop"

Just two more weeks. I had to calm down and figure out a way for me to survive this. I couldn't kept running around like a bunny. My friends were probably worried, but they didn't pressure me into talking.

Nobody besides Mikasa knew that I was moving. And I planned to keep it that way until my last day, maybe...maybe I should leave without saying anything? Could that be a better option?

I still hadn't forgotten that memory I had back at the hospital before we left for Germany. "What was that even?...whose voice was that? It feels familiar but I can't remember" There wasn't a picture in my brain of the event, just a voice and mine of course. Whatever it was...maybe I imagined it after my break down?

"Whatever. It'll probably stop once I'm out of here" I took a bite of my lunch and munched down, enjoying the chirping of birds and the slight sun rays dancing on my skin. "Hah...I'm really going back there" I murmured.

It still felt unreal. England. Maria. Laila. Oliver. Would the girls even talk to me? Do we just pretend that we had no childhood together?

"Ahh this day feels like it has lasted forever" I was dazing off, munching down food with closed eyes as I fell of reality for a bit.

The serene environment I found myself was soon interrupted when I heard footsteps coming towards the fountain. I kept my eyes closed, thinking it was just a random student.

Hmm I'm really craving some donuts again
I wonder if Petra will join me after school with Levi maybe. He also likes them

Ah no...my parents are expecting me home

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