Hate me ║ Misunderstandings

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After the whole fiasco at school, the morning granted us infinite summer rays and birds singing in high notes.

The power never came back on so authorities had be called to get the doors open and after that, everyone went home to finally get some rest.

But I couldn't forget, everything that happened and it haunted me weeks after. Now, one week before Halloween. A time where everyone was supposed to celebrate, eat tons of candy, party and have an amazing time. I couldn't force it to smile properly even.

I had observed Eren that whole month in October, I required more answers, but the boy was acting as his usual self. Eren was a football player, he gained a lot of attention from his so called 'fangirls' at school. He was very popular after all, despite his hostile behavior.

Nothing. I couldn't catch one hint of uncertainty. The night after we got stuck inside the school, I spent hours looking through his videos to discover any possible knowledge of his family.


Dry as the Sahara desert.

By the end of the month, I was going irritatingly insane. Eren...he acted so happy and there was nothing that suggested to any problems at home. Maybe I was overwhelmed? Maybe nothing was wrong with him.

That month, we didn't talk anyway. He kept to his friends and I kept to mine. I caused enough problems for everyone so that was it.

But, today. One week before Halloween and the shit that was going down—I'll get to that later.

I had been so obsessed with noticing any physical signs of abuse, I failed to notice Eren's surroundings.

Not once, not once had I seen Eren eat food at the cafeteria. Sure they had food to buy, but most of the cafe food was dry and gross, so people brought their own lunches mostly. Eren did not, he never ate anything for lunch.

Which flew across my mind when I first noticed today. I was sitting with my friends as usual, eyes shimmering over to Eren's table in suspense.

"Y/n? What are you looking at?" Sasha stopped devouring her food for a split second to question me. I forcefully snapped my head around, afraid that I might have been caught staring at their table.

"Nothing! I just spaced out" I quickly retaliated, eyes drawn back to my food. It wasn't anything special, a chicken sandwich with some fruit for snacks. I didn't feel hungry at all.

"Are you sure? You've been kinda off lately" Marco piped up from next to me, his brown eyes met mine in a concerned manner.

My throat went dry, I didn't know what to reply. Should I just tell them everything that happened?

"Yeah, we've all noticed you've been kinda paced these last two weeks. Is everything alright?" Jean added in, nodding at Marco slowly. They seemed reluctant to ask.

I put up a sweet smile and uttered, "I'm fine guys, sorry for worrying you. Uh...just a lot of stuff being going on at home" I lied bitterly, I knew it wasn't ideal. But I couldn't get into the whole drama with Eren. Besides, they hated each other so it wouldn't matter much.

And it shouldn't matter to me neither. All I had was speculation, there was no reason for me to be so...worried for Eren.

"Let us know if there is anything we can do, okay?" Historia smiled humbly, her sky blue eyes glimmering as always.

"Thanks guys, it's all good" I reassured them.

"Now, let's all get hyped for Halloween next week!" Connie grinned widely, his fist pumping the air with exhilaration.

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