Hate me║ Our path

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// A/N ~ Hello everyone. I just wanted to make a short disclaimer.

I see that it's been a little misinformation about where Y/n, Eren and the others live. And it's my fault because I never really made a claim about that.

Y/n does not live in America. In my mind, they live on an island ahah. I guess it was meant to resemble Paradi from Attack on Titan. But I've not created a name for it, but that was all!

Enjoy ♥︎ //

"Y/n, it's time"

I was brought out of my daze when I registered Armin's mellow voice. "Right" I nodded back, seeing the line ahead of us growing smaller. I took out my passport from my bag, staring at it like I had never seen it before. "It's time"
There was some truth to that though, I had never done anything like this before.

I remembered the first day I arrived this airport with my parents. I had no clue, no clue that the next time I would be here with Armin, Hitch and Floch, traveling to find Eren's father.

What a journey.

"It's going to be fine. We'll find Grisha and take things from there" Armin comforted, a soothing hand placed on my shoulder. He had noticed my anxiety since arriving at the airport two hours ago.

I was scared about what would happen while we were gone. What if Josef hurt Eren even more? I couldn't be there to comfort him so easily, or help him in any way.

"He has Levi and Petra in case something urgent occurs. We can trust in them" Armin squeezed my hand, sending me a reassuring smile. I was so glad I had Armin by my side in this. I would never be able to save Eren on my own. They were equally his family—the people he grew up with and cherished with all his heart.

"Thank you, Armin" I smiled back, clutching my passport in my other hand. "Let's do this"

We entered the airplane. The clock was soon passing 3 am and damn was I exhausted. Hitch and Floch had their seating a little in the back, so we wouldn't see them until we arrived in Germany.

Armin assisted me in setting my backpack on the shelf above our seat. Then we sat down next to each other, both of us ready for slumber and finally some good dreams. I stared at my phone for the last time, knowing that Eren was still sleeping peacefully.

I'll see you soon
Please hold on

I took a deep breath and shut off my phone for the remainder of the flight. "How long until we arrive?" I questioned.

"We'll land at 8 am, so we have time to get some rest" Armin answered, putting on the seatbelt. "And after that, we'll book into a hotel and get some food in us" He continued.

"Alright...I still can't believe we're doing this" My head planted itself on the head seat, staring at the wall above us. The plane wasn't that full since people don't usually travel in the middle of the week.

"You know..." Armin trailed off, that same distant look in his eyes. "I keep wondering why Grisha left his family so suddenly. If I had maybe stuck to Eren's side more...would things have been different?" He spoke up, melancholy ringing in his tone.

During all this time, I had noted Armin's immense guilt for letting Eren live the life he had endured. For three years Armin had to keep quiet and watch his best friend slowly loose himself.
Watch how Eren kept becoming more distant, how his eyes were avoiding any contact and his mental state deteriorating with each passing day.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now