Hate me║ March's rain

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"I'm not lying, you can tell"
"I'm nobody to you"

These words deflated from my mouth, stern and with no hesitation. I needed to break free from this situation and get the hell out. There was a limit to what my body could handle, what my mental health could bear. This wasn't it.

I swayed my body around Eren's, eyes lowered to the floor. It was so silent, so painful and I hated it. Why did I wear the ribbon?! Why? Why? Why? Why couldn't I just move on freely?

Why was it always so hard?!

I bent down on my knees to pick up the ribbon from the dirty floor. It didn't belong there, it was my most prized possession, but it no longer was mine to keep. I chose this path now. It was decided for me.

I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry

I held the ribbon in my hands carefully, trying to stop myself from breaking apart. Not in front of Eren, not again. I couldn't take this anymore. I was so exhausted. "Here, you can have it back" I lifted myself off the floor, veering around to face Eren again. "It's yours after all"

I held out my hand gracefully, attempting to stop it from shaking so much. And I stood there for what felt like an eternity, just waiting for Eren to take the final step to our goodbye. I knew it in my soul—fighting this fate helped nobody.

His eyes glanced to mine, and that's when I saw his cheeks spiral with fresh tears. His head kept shaking back and forth, almost as if he refused to believe me. "No!" He swatted my hand away. "I gave that ribbon to you for a purpose, right?! I don't want it back—not like this!!" He yelled this time, voice rasp.

My teeth clenched together, "Don't be stupid! This is precious to you! Take it back so you can give it to the right person! I'm not the one!" I took a hasty step forward, almost stumbling into his chest as I attempted to settle the ribbon in his hand. The hand that kept me safe a myriad of times.
It was over now.

Just take it back, please don't make this harder

This was the last goodbye I needed to say.
The ribbon that was priceless to Eren; was given back. He was going to be okay. He was going to move on.

"But I gave that to you!! Even if I can't remember—that belongs to you!" His voice cracked so piercingly, thrusting my hand away again. "I don't want it back, I-I—fuck!!" His hands flew up to his hair in distress, pulling and tugging so roughly that a few strands fell out.

My breath hitched, finally freeing my tears from seeing Eren in so much pain. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Why didn't I ever learn to stay away? No, I had to do something about this.

"Eren is not doing well with his mental stability, overbearing him with the past will worsen his condition"

I have to do something!

"Remember, dammit! Just remember!!" Eren plummeted down to the floor in a rapid motion, slamming his head down repeatedly as I gasped. My legs were utterly frozen in ice, the agony of love was taking over. "I hate this! I hate this so much! I just want to go back!" Eren screamed, swinging his head.

My fingers were lazed with the ribbon.

I knew what I had to do. It was for his best, it was the sacrifice I was offering for his future.

I was moving away in three days—our time was up soon.

"This never belonged to me, but thank you, for everything" I let my body slump down in front of his, slowly grabbing his precious face in my hands. Eren's beautiful turquoise eyes stared at me in bewilderment, narrowed slowly as he tried to make sense. I knew he was hurting, but this was for the best.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now