Hate me║ I'm free

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If I required one aspect to go proper in my life, it would be now. When my surroundings were beginning to crumble and I foolhardily necessitated to save my loved one.

But I had discovered yet again—this world was more than unfair. It dragged the people who were already suffering, into an extensive ground. It simply didn't transpire to be the perfect and sonorous world I grew up with.

"Oh my gosh, how long do you imagine they've been doing this?"

"I don't know, but it's revolting"

"Yeah...poor Annie"

Uneasiness bloomed inside my core, more voices occupying me as I sauntered down the hallway.

No...not this again

Please, can't I ever get a break?

My feet guided me up the stairs, aspiring to evade all the judgmental expressions. I unmistakably didn't need this right now. I rambled up the final steps, feeling my breath grow rigid. I hadn't eaten properly yesterday...how could I?

Armin, I have to find him

I searched for the blond, hoping to discern any comfort in those blue eyes of his. But I recalled it was futile, nothing ever worked in my favors. Instead, I caught a glimpse of my old friends, all huddled up. An aching hole inside my heart appeared out of nowhere...how long had it been since we were close?

Sasha and Connie appeared to have performed this amusing joke, delivering everyone a laugh with a full heart. Jean was gripping his stomach, leaning against Marco for aid.
Historia was carrying her usual pink scrapbook in her arms, blond hair tied into a dainty bun. Ymir remained smiling, tousling Historia's hair ever so often as Sasha made more hysterical jokes.

Ah...I miss you guys

I swallowed down, clamping my lips.
They appeared very happy and peaceful...they had moved on from this life I had induced to them. They were fine without me...was I selfish to feel hurt? I suppose I was.

I noticed myself still established on top of the stairs, my hand shakily grasping the railing as I watched. The dazzling sun rays were trickling through the windows, ah how much I missed being okay. Back in those days where everything came apparent to me, where my opinions were just an insignificant pebble on the wa-

"Let's change our future"

I had to sway my head, reminding myself of why I was striving to make this work. I ought to keep advancing onward. Surely, one day...

I can apologize to you
For not telling the truth...that I never deserted you as my friends

That my intentions were never to betray you

I squeezed my eyes shut, eluding to grant them with sorrowful tears. "I'm sorry, I hope you will understand one day" I obtained the courage to tread down our main hallway. Not like I dared to look at their faces, not when this chaos was brawling.

After Armin and I met at the rooftop yesterday, we thought we had made some great progress. But this world could never be so gracious to let us dream—we always had to deteriorate in some ways.
Someone had taken a couple of pictures and they didn't look innocent.

There were a few of when I held Armin's hand, others where I was leaning on his shoulder, and the last one. When Armin knelt down to pat my head—it was an absolute disaster.

The pictures were posted at night, surprising the whole school because they all knew Armin was dating Annie. And I...well I was acknowledged as the girl who ditched her friends to fuck around with Eren. And god apprehends how many added rumors I had running on.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now