Hate me║ The past & future

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After all this time, I still wasn't used to it.

It didn't even cross my mind once, not even once...I felt awfully ashamed of myself. And in this moment, I truly appreciated everything Eren had done for me. Just me.   

Eren and I lived two completely different life's.

The rain had picked up the phase as we drove on the highway. The car was silent, or more like the people were. The two security guards sat in front, wearing their apathetic features as their job required. But in all, they treated us very kindly.

Imagine finding two idiotic kids, running around with a stolen prize and fantasizing they could scarce away. What a funny joke we must have been to them.

It formed a little cackle on my lips, in which I tried to conceal. Keep in mind I hadn't laughed or smiled properly for over a month. Basically, anything could irk my sense of humor—even my dumbass self.

I took in a deep breath, engaging myself closer to the back of their seats. "Sooooo—how many people have you caught? What crazy things do people do in the amusement park?" I flew out some random questions, actually intrigued to hear their answers. Well, it was better than to sit blandly and do nothing.

The guard sitting by the passenger seat rolled his eyes, tilting his head to look at me. "You might want to ask yourself that question" He sassed me back, causing a gasp to evade my lips.

So we're going that way, huh?

My lips pursed instantly, almost forming into a pout. "Hey, we didn't do anything that bad! I'm sure you see way more crazy people" I pointed out without missing a beat, clinging onto his seat like a damn child.

His annoyed grimaced reminded me of one Shadis wears whenever a student is late—or asks too many questions in class. "That's none of your business young girl. Start thinking of a valuable explanation once we arrive at the police station" The man declared crudely.

My mouth hung open as my back hit my own seat, groaning very loudly to show them my discomfort. "Whatever, I don't have to explain anything. Aren't people allowed to have a little bit fun nowadays?" I crossed my arms.

The man driving began chuckling, "A little 'fun' doesn't include assaulting an employee because you couldn't win a panda bear" He asserted very honestly and it made my cheeks smirch with abashment.

"I-I—We didn't mean for that to happen!" I screeched, earning another laugh from the guard that was driving.

"You're one peculiar little human being" The other one spoke, sending me a weird grimace like he had never seen anyone like me before. Okay, Eren and I were a peculiar duo. We could come up with the most random shit ever.

But I still felt inclined to defend my case, "Hah? I was just trying to make some decent conversation" I rolled my eyes annoyedly, pretending I didn't see his glare flourish.

I'm sure I must've annoyed the shit out of them, but hey. I deserved to have som fun in my life—until my parents found out and gave me the punishment of the year. My childish self couldn't think that far though.

The car ride ended once we finally arrived at our residence city. I couldn't comprehend that Eren and I came with a bus, but now driving back inside a police car. Talk about things taking a turn.

But I had failed to mark how silent Eren had gotten, I barely even recognized that he was sitting next to me. Maybe it was the month of isolation that made me forget? But I certainly recalled some intense memories when I saw the police building come in view.

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