Hate me ║ Losing

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"Young lady! You better tell me what happened right now!" My mother's voice screeched across the hall, causing my body to jolt. I knew this was coming, I got myself into this position.

"Look at your face! You have cuts and bruises all over!" Her hands were firmly placed on my shoulders, giving me a desperate squeeze. I had never seen my mother so out of it before, but I could understand where she was coming from.

"Mother, I'm okay...." I mumbled weakly, staring down at the floor. I couldn't look her in the eyes and lie...I had done that too much lately.

And as I expected, my mother didn't let this slide. No far from it. "Y/n, you can't come home after being gone all night and refuse to tell me what happened" Her voice snared as she pulled me into the kitchen.

"I will not stand by this behavior anymore. Why didn't you come home last night? The bus arrived at the school at exactly 10 o'clock" She started rumbling through the cupboards, not really looking at me as she kept on stressing over this matter.

"Dave never showed up! I-I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up" I explained wearily, already feeling my head pound from exhaustion.

Believe it or not, as soon as my parents stepped foot into the house this early morning. They freaked not finding me in my bed. I guess it was my fault for not telling them.

"Nonsense! Dave is free of duty when we have a vacation. You already know this Y/n" My mother snapped her gaze at me, pulling out pans and cups. "Where did you run off too? And most importantly—why on earth does it look like you've been in a fight?!" She yelled, completely distraught.

I had no idea how I was going to explain this. I was so damn exhausted and the last I needed was my mother yelling at me. My parents arrived at the mansion at 6 o'clock in the morning, meaning my phone blew up.

I had to bolt out of Armin's house, even leave a sleepy Eren behind who had barely grazed his eyes when I left.
I rambled over to Carla's house, desperately looking for my belongings. Luckily, the sweet lady helped me find my things.

And so I basically ran over to my house, I was completely drained.

"I was invited to sleep over at...uhm" I halted, fully knowing that I couldn't lie to my mother. Even if I did, she would find the truth. She'd call whoever parents and ask what happened.

"You were at the Jaeger's house" My mother stated without any hesitation in her voice. My limbs went completely frozen as my lips parted. She turned on the stove, picking out eggs and other ingredients to prep for breakfast.

And I just stood there in the middle of the room, out of words to speak.

"Mrs. Jaeger called me not long after we find out you were 'missing" My mother refused to look at me as she talked, working on making breakfast that I knew I wouldn't be able to swallow down. "She apologized for the inconvenience and told me you would be arriving home" She stopped moving for a moment, twirling around to stare at me.

"Well, aren't you going to explain why you were sleeping at a boys' house last night?" Her eyes narrowed thinly, "And why you're looking like this?"

I couldn't find any words to say. Carla had already called and apologized for the ruckus, but then again. She couldn't tell my mother the whole truth—and neither could I.

"I just fell down last night, it was so dark and I lost my footing" I put on the best and trustable feature I could manage. This was the only way I could escape my mother's interrogation.

"...Fine, you're no longer allowed to visit that house anymore" My mother declared and caused my heart to squeeze, "And stay away from that boy, he's clearly making you do all sorts of things. This is not like you, Y/n"

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