Hate me ║ Her past

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It's raining again...

The water slides down the glass as I sit by the window and just stare. Blankly and unmoving. I'm still sitting in that same chair, same spot and with the same books on my school desk, waiting for class to begin.

The uniform is perfectly polished against my body, tightly fitting as I have grown a little bit this year. Which I'm thankful for, most girls in my class have already grown and gotten their curves and forms—it's only befitting that I do the same.

The classroom is quiet as usual, especially in the morning when it rains. A few students have arrived, but I still struggle to remember their names. Most of them never talk and socialize with other groups, but that's how it works at this academy.

Everyone sticks to their own people.
And I have to do the same.

With my chin lazily plastered on my hand, I quickly retreat it back when I notice my two best friends enter the door. "Laila, Maria! Good morning" I manage a small grin as they find their own seats.

"Y/n, please stop texting me after 9 o'clock. You know I go to sleep at that time, if not I am studying" Laila pushes back her chair and sits down strictly, avoiding my flat expression.

My shoulders slum down in shame, I hate seeing her disappointed. Last night, I had tried to invite her to my house this upcoming weekend so we can spend some quality time together. It has been a while.

"Sorry..." I utter, twirling my fingers underneath my desk fretfully.

"You know final exams are upcoming in three months. We are applying high school with those grades, take it more seriously" Laila sighs wearily, turning her head to look at me, "It's our future we're talking about"

I just nod my head slowly. I know high school is important, and I have already decided to enter Pristine private academy, but Laila and Maria have chosen different high schools in London.

We are going to be separated in just a few months. I want us to have fun the last moments before graduation. They've been studying hard ever since we started middle school, so I can't understand why they won't give some time off and have fun...

"Y/n, aren't you applying for Pristine? You should spend more time studying, because your grades aren't...you know" Maria chides from her seat in front of Laila's, wearing her careful smile.

"The exams are in three months, I'm not going to stress over it. I just want us to hang like we used too before al-"

"Y/n, get passed that already. We're not children anymore, we don't play around and waste time like we used too" Laila states sharply, "You need to be more focused" She closes her eyes with a frown.

"Hey hey, cheer up guys" Another voice breaks the icy tension and my heart immediately leaps. "Y/n tries her best in her own way, that's all that matters" Oliver swings his bag over his shoulder as he trots over to his seat directly in front of mine.

"Good morning, Oliver" A bright smiles etches to my feature.

Oliver is a boy who started last semester. Him and I became good friends when his seat was assigned right in front of mine.
Oliver is always a cheerful person and the reason I get to have a little 'fun' in tenth grade. He's also not a study freak and helps me out when I need it and vise versa.

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