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On their way to restaurant was filled with silences, the quietness of the place can make you deaf. Sana wanted to initiate a conversation with Tzuyu, but she doesn't know how and where to start.

While Tzuyu just focused his eyes and attention to the road. Sana just sighed and just averted her gaze outside to distract herself. She's not used with this kind of situation.

Sana is a fan of listening to music while she's in the road trip, but she was too shy to Tzuyu to turn on the radio.

But after few second her thoughts got interrupted when she heard a music played on, she snapped her head to her side and saw Tzuyu smiling at her and then his sights turn to focused back on road.

"I almost forgot, you love to listen to the music while on the road trip" Tzuyu said while his attention is still on the road.

Even thou Tzuyu can't see her, Sana smiled genuinely at him and nodded her head "Thanks, Tzuyu-ah" Sana said and Tzuyu just gave her a smile.

Tzuyu remembered back then when they are still exchanging mails, Sana told him a lot of times how she love to be on the long road trip while listening to music and sing a long with her heart out.

Sana started to jam with the song played and constantly sing when she's familiar with the song and the lyrics and Tzuyu will just laughed at her.

The awkwardness she felt earlier with him slowly fades, Sana doesn't understand how quickly Tzuyu can make her comfortable with him in an instant.

"We're here" Tzuyu announce after parking his car

"Eh?" Sana asked confused

"The restaurant, we're here" Tzuyu said

"Aaww, I didn't noticed the time quickly passed tho" Sana said and Tzuyu just chuckled at her before he went out from the car and quickly went to the passenger seat to opened it for Sana. Sana smiled at his gesture and thank him.

"Let's get inside now Noona, let's just wait for them there" Tzuyu said and Sana agreed with him.

The two now walked inside the restaurant and Tzuyu roam his eyes around the place to find a table for four, and when he found one he quickly told Sana.

"Noona there's a table there, let's go" he said and gave Sana a way to the lead to the table and Sana just gave him a sweet smile.

While walking to the table Tzuyu noticed that few of the customer especially the male is eyeing Sana from head to toe. They are gazing at her as if she was their prey.

Tzuyu just observed the guys and pulled a chair for Sana when they reached the table.

"Thank you gentleman" Sana said to Tzuyu, he just nodded his head to her and settled himself in front of her. Tzuyu also noticed that the seat where Sana is sitting gave them a better view of her.

Tzuyu just observed the male customer around them, they are still looking at her like their prey, he adjusted his self to block their view but still the man is keep on eyeing Sana, gradually his mood changed and he felt uncomfortable with the people surrounded them until he decided to talked to Sana.

"Noona, can you seat here besides me" he said suddenly to Sana

"Eh?" Sana said perplexed, but instead of answering her question. Tzuyu stand up from his seat and offered Sana to seat besides him.

Still confused with him, Sana still followed his request and stand up on her seat and seat next to him. Tzuyu just smiled at Sana sweetly and he saw the male customers on his peripheral vision just sighed in dismay.
He seated next to her when Sana is completely settled.

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