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"Sana, your visitor has arrived," Mrs Minatozaki announced from the living area.

Sana's eyes widened in excitement and nervousness. She is inside her room, sitting in front of a large mirror, staring at herself. She's been staring at herself for hours, making sure she looks stunning and fascinating enough.

"Oh my God! I think it's him, I'm so nervous," Sana mumbled, clutching her chest part to calm herself.

"Just a moment, Mom," Sana replied.

Sana looked in the mirror one last time, fixing herself as she smiled broadly, trying to hide her nervousness.

"You look perfect now, Sana, just be confident around him," Sana said to herself as she stood up and took her stuff with her before walking down the stairs.

She can feel the way her heart frantically  beats as she slowly took her step down the stairs, when she need more 5 steps to completely went down.

She can feel her heart pounding as she takes a slow step down the stairs, when she needs another 5 steps to go all the way down.

She notices a young man sitting on the couch in the living room. The young man is facing her from behind.

"Oh! There he is!" Sana exclaimed as she walked over to the young man who was clearly waiting for someone.

"Hey, D—-, did you wait too long?"

Sana's words were cut off when the young man stood up and turned his face to face with her, smiling charmingly. Sana is dissatisfied with the situation, but she can't deny that she was captivated by his powerful radiance. Sana was just staring at the man in front of her, completely stunned by his allure.

"Good morning, Sana Noona," Tzuyu said.

"Uhm, Dahyun hyun asked me a favor to pick you up and drive you to the location where you were supposed to meet, he said he was sincerely sorry if he couldn't pick you up," Tzuyu explains.

Tzuyu notices Sana just staring at him without saying anything.

"Uhm, are you all right? Can we go now?" Tzuyu asked shyly, and Sana regained her composure when she heard him ask that question.

"Oh, yes!"

" Sana spoke too quickly, and Tzuyu simply nodded his head in agreement.

"This way, Sana Noona," Tzuyu said, leading the way, with Sana trailing behind him.

'Even though only his back is facing me, you can't deny that this man is handsome,' Sana pondered as she stared at Tzuyu's back.

Tzuyu and Sana both came to a halt as they came face to face with a black fortuner car. Tzuyu held the door for her and opened it.

"Hop in Noona," Tzuyu said, and Sana just nodded shyly while smiling.

Tzuyu closed the door and went to the driver's seat, but before he could fully enter, his phone vibrated in his pocket, indicating that he had received a message.

Tzuyu brings out his phone as he slowly enters his car, unlocks his phone screen, and checks the message. A smile spread across his face as he read the message's content didn't escape Sana's gaze.

'Who is that? Is that his girlfriend messaging him?' Sana wondered.

After a while, Tzuyu locked his phone again and press it down as he turned his head to look at Sana.

Sana noticed this as she blushed at Tzuyu's stare.

'Oh my goodness! What is he up to? ' Sana pondered.

'Is Tzuyu sizing me up?' Is he up to something? 'May God help me.'

Tzuyu just stared at her for a few minutes without saying anything, gradually leaning closer to her.

Sana's heartbeat quickened in an instant as she noticed Tzuyu approaching her. She closed her eyes in fear, not knowing what would happen next.

'Is he going to kiss me?' 'I'm going to slap him really hard,' Sana reasoned.

Sana waited for a while but nothing happened as she expected, so she opened her eyes to see what was going on, only to see Tzuyu.

Attempting to pull out the seat belt beside her, he eventually succeeded and handed it to Sana.

Tzuyu smiled and said, "Seat belt for your safety."

"Ah, yeah! I'm sorry I forgot it as well," Sana said, embarrassed by what she had been thinking about him earlier, and Tzuyu simply smiled at her.

She buckled her seat belt, and Tzuyu returned to his seat and buckled his seat belt as well.

"We're leaving now," Tzuyu said as he began driving.


"Dahyun hyun texted me that he was in the park," Tzuyu explained as he read the message.

They are now walking inside the mall, with Sana close behind.

"Is he coming with us? Oh no, this isn't going to be called a date," Sana thought, wishing she could be with Dahyun. It was just him.

Just the two of them. She wants to spend time with the latter.
She wanted to ask Tzuyu about it, but she was too shy to say anything to him.

"I'll walk you there Noona," Tzuyu said, smiling sweetly at Sana, who just smiled back.

They are now walking side by side inside the mall, and when they arrive at the location that Dahyun told them about, Tzuyu scans the area for a glimpse of his friend, and after a brief moment, Tzuyu spots his friend.


Dahyun is currently hiding from the woman who was chasing him earlier. He's now checking to see if the woman is still tailing him.

Dahyun flinched at his spot when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"What the f—k?"

He was cut off when he recognized the person who tapped his shoulder, and she also noticed Sana staring at him strangely.

Dahyun gave an awkward smile to the two, especially Sana.

"Hello, Sana," Dahyun said shyly.

Sana blushed when Dahyun greeted her first; she is always the one who greets him first. Sana simply smiled sweetly at him.

"Hyun Sana Noona is now here, I really need to go now," Tzuyu said, taking a step closer to his friend and whispering.

"Take care of her, hyun," Tzuyu said as he patted Dahyun on the shoulder.

He turned back to face Sana and bowed his head 90 degrees.

"I'm leaving now, have a good time Noona," Tzuyu said, smiling to Sana as he took his step, when Sana couldn't see his face completely.

Tzuyu sighed sadly as his facial features changed to a sad one; he then left the two and went to meet the girl who had called him the night before.

To be



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