Special Chapter

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Cold breeze of the wind and a gentle and pleasant serenity of the place is a perfect place for you be in to get away.

Tzuyu is currently sitting on the bench in the park while gazing at the view infront of him with a cup of coffee on his right hand.

He observed the people that walked passed by him and flashe a warm smile when he saw an elderly couple show their affection in the public.

Tzuyu is currently having his day off from work as Lisa gave him a free time to unwind himself and mind after the successful story he wrote again.

It's been what, five years since Tzuyu started working with the man, Lisa own a studio.

When Tzuyu was still at Korea five years ago, he got a call from the man that offers him to work with his company, that time Lisa company is just starting in the film industry, he was interested with Tzuyu craft and after agreeing with him and left korea the two started to work together and after years of working together, they slowly made their company big name in the film industry.

Tzuyu is the scenarist in his company and,he became famous with his craft and books that he published. There's only few people knew his real identity.

He's been spending hours already in the park, when he started to feel the boredom. Tzuyu sigh and stand up from his seat as he stroll around the park while gazing his surrounding.

Tzuyu is just observing the place and walked slowly.

"Bhuuugs" he suddenly bumped to someone, Tzuyu looked down on his foot and saw the scattered stuff of the person who he bumped too.

"I'm sorry" Tzuyu and guy said in unison, Tzuyu widen his eyes in surprised when he heard a familiar voice as his heart beat so loud, he bent down to help the guy to pick up his stuff on the floor.

When his done he stand up and lifted his head to see the man. Tzuyu was utterly stunned when he finally recognized the man.


"Dahyun Hyun" They said in unison

Dahyun smile widely and pulled the guy closed to him and gave him a manly hug.

"Wow, It's you" Dahyun said happily.

"I've never thought that I'll see you here in London" he added and Tzuyu reciprocated the act and smile

"Me too hyun" Tzuyu said and patted Dahyun back, they pulled away and Dahyun held his shoulder and gaze at him.

"Wow! You looked different now" Dahyun and said while smiling as he gaze at Tzuyu from head to toe with admiration on his eyes.

"You become more handsome" he added and Tzuyu flashed a shyly smile to him

"Hyun, you're making me embarrassed" Tzuyu said and the two of them laughed.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" Tzuyu asked

"I should be the one asking you that" Dahyun said and the two of them chuckle

"Wait, are you busy? Let's talk for awhile it's been years since we last saw each other" Dahyun said

"No, I'm not.. I'm actually having my day off" Tzuyu answered

"That's good, let's go now then" Dahyun said and wrapped his arm around Tzuyu shoulder just like the old days.

"We have lot of things to talked about" Dahyun said while giggling


"What?! You've been living here for five years all these time?!" Dahyun asked Tzuyu in surprise, the two man is now sitting on the bench.

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