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"Wow! I've never thought that I'd see you here" Sana said still amuse that Tzuyu is now in front of her.

The two is now currently at the restaurant waiting for their meals, after the incident earlier Sana offered Tzuyu to have lunch with her after her office hour.

"And I've never thought I'll bumped to you too today" Tzuyu said and chuckled

"Since when did you arrived?" Sana inquired

"Hmm.. two weeks ago" Tzuyu said and Sana frown at him as she stared at Tzuyu seriously.

"Really? You're staying here 2 weeks already? But you didn't bothered to contact and meet me" Sana said sternly and Tzuyu just flash a smile to her

"Hey. Look, I'm planning to meet you soon when I'm done with my businees here. But work is just occupying me these days" Tzuyu said

"Really? So you've never forgot about me? I thought you don't have a planned to see me" Sana said and giggles

"Anyway what are you doing here?" She asked curiously

"Well, Father sent me here as a representative of Chou Corp.  to check and evaluate one of his potential business partner" Tzuyu said

"Is that so? Good to hear that" Sana said

"And also, I've meet one of my friend here" Tzuyu said and Sana furrowed her eyebrows

'So he has time to meet his other friend here huh,. but me? This guy tsk' Sana thought as she doesn't know why she felt a slight pang on her heart.

"You have a time to meet your other friend huh? While me, your planning to meet me when your business here is done" Sana said and glared at Tzuyu direction. The man laughed softly at her.

"Sana Noona, don't get me wrong hahaha, it's also a business matter. And besides I wanted to meet you when I'm free so we can spend a quality time together without work occupying my mind" Tzuyu said

Sana ears perks as her heart flutters with his statement.

"Really?" She asked him, and Tzuyu nodded his head

"That's great then! Well, have you stroll around the place already?" She asked excitedly, Tzuyu shook his head

"Not yet...." Tzuyu got cut off when Sana suddenly interrupted him.

"That's good!" Sana said excitedly, Tzuyu stared at her baffled.

"Well, I'll tour you around here. I'll be your tour guide during your stay" she added

"But.. But how about your work?" He asked her

"My work? Aww yeah, don't worry I'll fixed my schedule next week" she said and giggle

"Next week I'll show you around London.. No work.. Just London.. Just the two of us, for one week" she added

"But..." Sana cut him off again

"No buts, don't worry.. I'll got your back Chou Tzuyu" Sana said and wink at him, they bought laughed

"But I'm still half mad at you" she added and Tzuyu chuckle at her.

"I'm sorry" he said

"I'll make it up to you.. So that you won't be mad at me anymore" Tzuyu said and Sana giggles

"You should be Mr. Chou" Sana said

And after a moments their meals already served to their table, the two continuously talked while munching their foods.

Sana's never been happy like this since she land to London months ago and all thanks to Tzuyu, she make her smile and laughed at that moment.


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