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"The line is too long; can we do something else?" Dahyun asks.

They are now waiting in line to enter the cinema; the line is too long because the film they are about to see is a blockbuster.

When she heard him, Sana's face became sad. She's a huge fan of the film and can't pass up this opportunity. Dahyun, on the other hand, didn't notice the sadness written all over her face.

When the staff announced that they would now enter gradually, the people behind them began pushing the others.

When Sana almost tripped to the floor, she clutched Dahyun's hands tightly, and Dahyun flinched when he felt the sudden contact and looked at their hands.

He blushed profusely, as did Sana, who immediately pulled back her hand when she realized Dahyun was looking at their hands.

The two averted their gaze and walked slowly when the people started to get inside the cinema calmly. The two settled down on their respective seat and waited for the films to get started.

The two immediately averted their gaze. When they notice that people have begun to enter the cinema, they calmly walk inside with an awkward ambiance surrounding them both. The two sat in their seats and waited for the films to proceed.


When an interesting and mind-blowing scene appears on the big screen, Sana can't stop squealing and gasping.

They are watching mystery and thriller films, which Sana enjoys, while Dahyun is yawning inside the cinema.

He found it boring, and he felt sleepy because the weather was so cold that he just wanted to sleep.

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a few moments until he felt completely asleep. Sana's eyes are glued to the screen and she rarely blinks as she watches the film.

She noticed the person beside her was too quiet and not making any noise, so she turned her head to the side to check on the person.

Sana smiled as she looked lovingly at Dahyun, who was peacefully sleeping like a child in her side.

"You're too handsome even when you're sleeping," mumbles Sana.

She returned her gaze to the big screen and continued to watch the movie.


"Woooow! That film was too good, they had a good plot twist!" exclaimed Dahyun, attempting to empress the latter.

He doesn't want her to know that he slept through the entire movie. They are now exiting the cinema, and Sana just chuckled at him because she knows what he is up to.

"Really? How do you know the plot twist is interesting when you've just fallen asleep for the entire film?" Sana inquired sweetly.

When Dahyun realized Sana had caught her sleeping, he blushed so much that he rubbed the back of his nape in humiliation and laughed awkwardly.

"Has the film also gone to your dream?" Sana inquired, laughing.

Dahyun became even more embarrassed by her statement, and he is now bowing his head because he is too shy to face Sana.

"You're too cute when you're shy," Sana said as she poked Dahyun's nose, making Dahyun's heart skip a beat.

"Let's go, I'm hungry, let's eat," Sana said, grabbing Dahyun's hand and pulling him along with her.

The two are now looking for a posh restaurant that will cater to their preferences and tastes.

"Let's go there Dahyun, I've been craving Japanese food lately," Sana said, dragging Dahyun along with her, and Dahyun simply followed her.

The two entered the restaurant to find a good spot to sit and enjoy the food. When they found one, they settled in and were entertained by the waitress, who handed them the menu.

"What would you like to eat?" Sana inquired.

Dahyun is now scanning the menu, he can't figured out what he wanted to eat since his not a fan of Japanese food.

"I'll take what's yours," he said as he set the menu down.

Sana blushed when Dahyun stared at her she lift the menu a little bit to cover her blushing face.

"Hmm, okay then" Sana said

She started ordering their course of foods and telling the waitress about their orders and the waitress left them to get their orders. When the waitress left, they awkwardly smiled and stared at each other.

"So, how have you been?" Sana inquired, breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Well, as you can see, I'm doing well," Dahyun said.

"Well, that's good," Sana said.

And the silence engulfed them once more, and Sana bit her lower lip, trying to think of another topic.

"Hmm, Dahyunie, may I ask you a question?" she asked shyly.

Dahyun looked at her for a moment before nodding and allowing her to continue.

"Well, I've been curious about something. Have you ever dated someone and been in a relationship when we're miles apart?" Sana asked shyly, her cheeks flushed pink. Dahyun laughed as she asked her question.

Sana is biting her inner cheeks as she waits for his response to her response.

"Yes, I did," Dahyun admitted.

Sana felt a small pang on her chest when he responded, and her mood changed dramatically. '

So he had a relationship while we were miles apart, while me I'm thinking about him all the time,' Sana reflected sadly.


When Sana isn't talking to him, Dahyun clears his throat to get her attention. Sana immediately returned her gaze to Dahyun.

"I'm sorry, some thoughts crossed my mind; are you dating anyone now?" Sana inquired again.

Dahyun locked his gaze on her eyes, trying to figure out what was going through her head before opening his mouth again.

"I've been single for almost a year now because I haven't found anyone interesting to date recently," Dahyun said, staring at Sana.

Sana's confidence grew when she heard it, and she returned her gaze to Dahyun.

"But now it may change my perception," Dahyun added, while Sana simply listened to him.

"I recently met someone interesting to interact with or possibly date," Dahyun said, smiling sweetly at Sana.

"Oh, is that so?" Sana inquired.

"Yes, but I wanted to keep a special friend relationship with this person for the time being," Dahyun says.

"Is that so? And who is this special friend of yours?" Sana asked bravely, her heart racing crazily inside her rib cage.

"You.. Can you be my special friend?" Dahyun asked bluntly.

Sana was completely in a state of joy. She wanted to jump in pure happiness and squeal like a fool in front of him. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to respond, but she was cut off when their food arrived.

The waitress brought them their food and then left them when they were finished.

Sana mumbles softly as she takes the spoon beside her.

"Yes, let's keep it that way," she said, catching a quick glimpse of him.

Dahyun laughed heartily as she found her adorable right away.

To be



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