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Days later

Tzuyu is now currently working and helping Chaeyoung with the theater play. He's now currently facing his laptop finalizing the monologue and storyline.

"Tzuyu.. Tzuyuuuuu!" Tzuyu lifted his head to looked at the person calling his name happily and saw Chaeyoung breathlessly running to him and hugged him tightly.

"He... Hey? What's the matter?" He asked confused

"Yeeees! Yeees!" Chaeyoung said with full of enthusiasm plastered on his face and Tzuyu just stared at him puzzle

"Okay.. okay" Chae said and let him go and straighten his self next to Tzuyu.

"Guess what?" Chae said

"What? Just tell me.. I don't have a time to think" Tzuyu said

"Such a kill joy.." Chae said and glared at him

"I've got the deaaaaaal!" Chae said excitedly while smiling widely at him, Tzuyu gasped at the news and pulled his friend for a tight hugged

"Congrats! You made it" Tzuyu said happily while jumping like a kid with Chae

"Well, I can't do it without your help and Sana anyway" Chae said

"We should celebrate it with Sana.. Where is she? Is she busy?" Chae suggested and Tzuyu mood gradually change and stared at him sadly, he shook his head before talking

"I'm afraid we can't make it with her" Tzuyu said sadly

"Eh? Why?" Chae asked his friend

"She's with Dahyun hyun now" Tzuyu said with a heavy heart but that feeling was hidden in his glamorous features. As if when you're talking with that thing doesn't hurt him when his talking.

"Aaww.. I see, well maybe next time" Chae said and patted his friend shoulder.

"So, let's just continue to work" Chae said and Tzuyu nodded his head.


Sana can't help herself but to stare at Dahyun with full of adoration on her eyes, the man is keep on smiling while gaving food to the birds.

They are currently seating at the park, she blushed madly when the man caught her staring at him and averted her gaze instantly and pretend as if she didn't stared at him.

"Gosh.. He caught me" Sana mumble, she can feel the way her heart thump so hard inside her chest. Sana will took a glimpse of the man secretly again.

'He's so cute' she thought

"I know I'm handsome" Dahyun suddenly utters and Sana glared at him.

"Stopped being full of yourself, Mr Kim" Sana said and Dahyun just chuckle at her.

They continue to stroll around the place and spend the whole time with each others company, Sana is having a good time with the man. Dahyun never failed to make her feel flutters and blushed all the time.

But throughout the day Sana can't stop thinking about Tzuyu too. The time she spend with Dahyun is incomparable with the time she's with Tzuyu.

It feels like when she's with Dahyun, she's afraid to commit silly thing and craziness around him it feels like she's a different person and she likes the way he makes her feel like that, but on the other hand when she's with Tzuyu it's completely different, she can act and do anything she want and she can be crazy and be with herself not minding around the people surrounded them and she love the tenderness of his company.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now