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"Uhmmmm" Sana whimper when she heard her alarm clock ringing on top of her bedside table, stirring her on her deep slumber.

She flutters her eyes opened and rubbed it softly, she sit up properly and looked around the place.

It's a bit cloudy outside, but it's still hit different for Minatozaki Sana.

Suddenly she flashed a tender smile and giggles after remembering today, for someone it's just a normal and ordinary day like yesterday, But for Sana today is different stories.

Today is full of pleasant things, thrills and excitement to start with.

"Today is our first day couple" she mumbles and giggles after remembering the certain event yesterday especially last night.

The confrontation, revelation and confession and finally their first kissed, Sana blushed madly remembering how his lips pressed against her

"His lips is so soft that kinda addicting" She thought

"Yah, what are you thinking, Sana. Pervert" Sana scolded herself and buried her face on both of her palms.

"Gosh! My cheeks" she mumbles when she felt her face warmth. She tapped her cheeks to ease the redness and calm herself down.

"Okay, stopped being weird Sana" she muttered

Suddenly her phone vibrated indicating a new message, interrupting her thoughts.

She reached out for her phone on top of the bedside tables, she unlock her phone screen, her smiled doubled up as her eyes widen in excitement when she saw the name of the person texted her.

Chou Tzuyu

Tzuyu: The sun has made our paths golden today. What a beautiful morning to start with, I hope you'll have a golden day my young lady. Good morning Gorgeous, I love you

Sana flash a coyly smile after reading the content of the massage, as she can feel how her heart race in an instant.

"Gorgeous? This man knew how to flutter my heart early in the morning" she mumbles and giggles before she type on her phone screen and texted him back, she type on her phone while smiling like a fool and giggles at her respond

Sana: Good morning too handsome,
It's a bit cloudy outside, but your text
made my day sunny, This made my day, and it hasn't even really started yet.

"Send" she mumbles when she pressed the sent icon.

"Oohh.. My Gooooood!" Sana squealed loudly after sending the text while punching the air.

"Since when did you learned to flirt back, Minatozaki Sana?!" She asked herself in disbelief with her action, Sana was completely surprise with herself.

"My God! I sound like a fool" she thought while staring her phone and shook her head, but the pleasant smile is still painted on her lips.

"Okay, calm down.. get yourself out of here and go to work now Minatozaki Sana.. Stopped daydreaming" She scolded herself.

Sana stand up from her bed and arranges it neatly before she went downstairs while humming to her favorites song when she's in the mood.

Sana went to her music player and played a song that matches her vibe today.

"Let's go" She stated and played the music

(I already attached the music here, just play the media on the top)

Sana dance crazily while walking to the kitchen and grabbed the cereals and and fresh milk and poured it on the bowl, she keep on giggling while humming to the song.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now