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Sana and Dahyun have been continuously hanging out for a week now. However, during the week of her time spent with him, Sana cannot help but notice that the real Dahyun is completely different from the Dayhun she knew from e-mails.

'Perhaps he'll change now, since it's been a long time,' Sana reasoned.

And, despite the fact that he is well aware that he is not the one with whom Sana has been conversing for the last fifteen years, Dahyun cannot stop himself from reciprocating Sana's constant flirtation and ends up falling in love with her as well.

But he is hesitant to confess his growing feelings for her, despite the fact that she is persistently showing him signs that she likes him back; he prefers to take things slowly and steadily.

Sana is currently on her way to his house to invite him to accompany her.

She's humming happily to a song she wrote years ago.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim," Sana exclaimed brightly as she arrived at the Kim residence.

"Good morning, Sana," Mrs. Kim said as she opened the door wide for Sana to enter.

"Come in, my dear," Mrs Kim said, and Sana took a seat next to her.

Mrs Kim teasingly remarked, "What brought you here, young lady?"

Sana smiled sheepishly at her and looked down to cover her blushing cheeks; their parents were aware that they frequently hung out with each other.

"Ahmm, I came to meet Dahyunie and asked if he might accompany me today," Sana answered sheepishly, and Mrs Kim smiled broadly at her response.

Mrs. Kim adores Sana; she wishes to have a daughter like her and hopes that the latter would become her daughter-in-law.

"Aaw, Dahyun isn't here," Mrs Kim lamented.

Sana immediately raised her head and looked at Mrs Kim, saddened by her statement.

"But maybe you can find him at Chou residence, he's been there a lot these last few days," Mrs Kim said, brightening Sana's mood.

"You can go there; I'm sure my Son is with Tzuyu right now; it's only a few blocks from here," Mrs Kim remarked.

"You want me to walk you there?" she inquired.

"Aaww thank you very much Mrs Kim, you don't have to do anything, I know their place," Sana replied sweetly to Mrs Kim, who nodded in agreement.

She said her goodbyes to Mrs. Kim and walked to the Chou residence, and after a few minutes, Sana arrived at the massive house that looked exactly as it did when they left Korea.

Mrs Chou saw her and waved her hand to Sana while smiling, and Sana returned the gesture. Mrs Chou is gardening; she has a small flower garden in front of their mansion.

"Sana, you're here, my dear," Mrs Chou said as she opened the little gate for her.

"Come inside," Mrs Chou said, and Sana followed.

"Come have a seat," Mrs Chou said as she led her to the tea table, and Sana nodded her head.

"What brought you here, my dear?" Mrs Chou inquired, surprised, as this was the young woman's first visit to their home since their arrival.

"Uhm, I came to meet Tzuyu Mrs Chou," she replied sheepishly, she's actually come to ask for Dahyun but she's too embarrassed to approach Mrs Chou about him.

"Aww, Tzuyu. He's inside," Mrs Chou said.

"You can just walk in, I'm not sure if he's in his room right now or in his study room," Mrs exclaims.

"You can just knock on his door, his room is on the second level, second door, and if he's not responding, just go straight to his study room on the left side," Mrs Chou said, and Sana nodded her head in agreement.

Mrs Chou directed her to enter the massive house.

"Just go straight my dear, you'll find stairs going to the second floor I leave you know," Mrs Chou said as she walked away.

Sana looked around the house in awe, there are so many paintings and pictures on the walls.

Tzuyu is pictured with his colleagues, who are dressed in mini chief attire and appear to be in a cooking class.

Tzuyu is holding a knife and smiling at the camera cutely.

'Cute,' Sana thought as she stared at Tzuyu tiny figure, and on the right side is a photo of him accepting an award.

'So he's participating in school activities frequently?' She thought. Sana was scanning the whole area with full of pictures of Chou family, her attention was drawn to a specific picture hanging on the edge of the hall way.

She can't see the picture properly, but she took a step further because her curiosity about it is pressing her.

"Ehem!" Mr Chou cleared his throat to get her attention, and Sana came to a halt when she heard it and turned her back to Mrs Chou.

"Sanaa," Mr Chou said as he approached her and gave her a warm hug; Sana returned the hug.

"Good morning, Mr Chou," she said cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?" Mrs Chou asked

"I came to meet Tzuyu, but I can't find the stairs to the second floor," Sana admitted, embarrassed by her admission.

"Oh, yes, this way," Mr Chou said as he led her to the stairs.

As they continued to converse with Mr Chou, the image that had piqued her interest had faded from her mind.

Tzuyu was in that photograph, which was taken during one of their school's most important events.

Where he first played a leading role in their theater play, where he told Sana that he was chosen as one of the leading roles, and Sana was happy and proud of him.

"I'll leave you here now, Sana; just go straight," Mr Chou instructed.

Sana simply nodded her head in agreement, and Mr Chou left her alone.

Sana took a deep breath and walked up stairs to meet Dahyun. While thinking of him, Sana grinned broadly.

To be



We're getting there 😉


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