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"Our next spot is kinda bit far" Sana said

The two is now heading to Tzuyu's cars.

"How far?" Tzuyu asked

"Hmm.. It's actually 3 to 4 hours of travel from here" Sana said

"Really? Then we should keep moving" Tzuyu said, when they arrived to his car.

Tzuyu opened the door for her "Yes, thank you, Tzuyu" Sana said and smiled to him before she hop in. Tzuyu jogged himself to the driver seat and hop in.

"All set?" He asked her and Sana nodded her head after locking the seatbelt. Tzuyu started the engine and drive themselves to the location Sana gave him.

Tzuyu turned on the music while still driving.

"Music while on road trip is Minatozaki Sana style" Tzuyu said while smiling and glance at Sana direction

"You know me so well" Sana said and giggles.

The two started to jam with different song played on the radio, and they will laughed harder when they attempt to reach the high note but ended up having a crack voice.

Two hours passed of driving to the place, Tzuyu noticed that Sana is silently sitting at the passenger seat, he took a secret glance on her only to found out that the latter is sleeping soundly with her uncomfortable position.

Tzuyu smile cutely and lower his speed and drive to the side of the road. He stopped driving as he park his car to the side. He faced Sana who's still sleeping soundly

'Cute' Tzuyu thought

Tzuyu went closer to her and adjusted her seat and laid her down carefully and comfortable.

"There you go" he said and stared at Sana lovingly before he started to drive again


"Sana Noona.. Sana, we're here.. Wake up" Sana stirred in her deep slumber when she heard Tzuyu deep voice softly calling her name. She fluttered her eyes opened and only to meet Tzuyu dazzling visual.

"We're here" He said, he helped her to seat up properly and Sana stared outside. She smiled contentedly and happily gazing their surrounding.

"Yes.." she responded shortly

Sana held her wristwatch and checked the time, it say 3:30 pm.

"Tzuyu, let's go.. We still have to walk up hills" Sana said, despite with his confusion Tzuyu just nodded his head and followed Sana when she went out from the car.

"This way, Tzuyu" Sana ushered and Tzuyu followed her from behind.

While walking up on top of hills, Tzuyu noticed that Sana is having a hard time to walked up and the woman is panting so hard. She stopped for awhile. Tzuyu came to her side

"Are you okay?" He asked her concernly, Sana just gave him a smile and nodded her head.

"Let's keep moving" she said, the two just keep walking but Tzuyu can't stopped himself to looked at Sana and feel concern.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now