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"Today is pure bliss," Sana murmurs, a silly smile plastered on her face.

She couldn't contain her joy, so she grinned and bit her bottom lips to restrain the smile from plastering itself on her lovely face.

Dahyun replies, "Yeah," since he shares the same sentiment.

They are now strolling around the mall after their meals, and it is already quarter to 9 p.m. They are unsure what to do because Dahyun did not prepare an activities to do list, and he also does not know what Sana actually likes.

"I should've emailed her more instead of letting that person respond to her messages," Dahyun rationalized. "In that case, I'm not struggling to figure out what we should do next."

They came to a halt in the middle of their walk and decided to go to the department shop.

Sana is now at the perfume section, where she is testing all of the perfumes on display in search of the perfect fragrance to meet her preferences, while Dahyun is following her from behind.

They heard a few giggles from behind them after a few minutes of staying there, as the two were discussing something amusing.

"I'm getting this," the woman said, "the fragrances are perfect for me."

"Yaah, why aren't you agreeing with me?" whines the woman while the male remains silent.

When he recognized the voice, Dahyun's eyes widened. He abruptly spun around to face the individuals behind them, and when he finally spotted them, he gasped in surprise.

"Minaa!" exclaimed Dahyun.

Sana's ears perk up as she hears him call a girl by her name, and her brows furrow in the center as she gently turns her back to look at her.

Then there's the woman, who is talking to Dahyun and smiling beautifully; she has this gummy smile that suits her beautifully. Her arms are clutched to a man beside her, but who is that man?

Sana widened her eyes in astonishment as she moved her focus to the man standing next to the girl.

Sana mumbles "Tzuy-Tzuyu" as she approaches them, taking a position close to Dahyun.

"How long have you been here?" Dahyun inquired of Mina.

Mina responds, "Hmm yesterday."

"Why didn't you tell me? I missed you," Dahyun said as he approached Mina to hug her. Mina removed her arms from Tzuyu and hugged Dahyun tightly, while Sana glared in their direction.

"Oh Mina, this is Sana, and Sana, this is Mina," Dahyun said as he introduced them.

"Nice meeting you, Sana," Mina said as she extended her hand for a handshake, which Sana accepted.

"Nice meeting you as well," Sana answered hastily, seeming jealous.

Dahyun and Mina were constantly conversing while smiling at each other. Because the sights were upsetting her, she turned away and continued to choose a perfume. Tzuyu noticed this and went to her side as the two continued to converse and moved away from them.

Sana is constantly sampling the perfumes on display when she is suddenly handed a certain scent that she adores and has been hooked to, the Prada Candy Kiss perfume. When he looked up, he noticed Tzuyu smiling at her.

"Here, give it a try. The scent is nice. Maybe you'll like it better than the others," Tzuyu said.

Sana widened her eyes and took the perfume from his palm, which she had been searching for since they arrived.

"Wow, you had no idea I'd been seeking for this," Sana exclaimed to Tzuyu.

Tzuyu only gave her a cute smile as he continued to scan the product, while Sana stared at his side profile for a while. Unbeknownst to Sana, Tzuyu knew her perfume taste because she mentioned it in her email.

"With his side profile, he still seems handsome," Sana reasoned.She wanted to ask him about the female he's with, but she's too shy to approach him and strike up a conversation.

Sana murmurs gently, "Hmm, Tzuyu."

Tzuyu responds, "Hmm?" and returns his focus to Sana.

"Ani, nothing" she said, Tzuyu chuckled as she find her adorable

"Say it Noona, don't be shy around me" Tzuyu said

Sana stared at him as she noticed Tzuyu staring at her as well, waiting for her to say something. Sana pondered for a moment, unsure if it was appropriate to ask him this question; it was also extremely awkward, but her curiosity was killing her. She did, however, end up asking him.

"Ahm, what about the girl you're with? Does she have a relationship with Dahyun?" she inquired.

Tzuyu returned his glance to Sana after turning away from the two who were still conversing and joking with each other.

"Mina Noona? She's a good friend of Dahyun hyun, why?" Tzuyu inquired, concerned. "Is there anything wrong concerning Noona?"

Sana exhaled with relief as she realized her suspicions were incorrect, shook her head, and smiled at Tzuyu.

"No, you look good with that woman," Sana replied, smiling broadly at Tzuyu, as if she thought Tzuyu of having a crush on her or was wooing her.

Tzuyu glanced at her attentively as he felt a sorrow in his heart when Sana stated, Tzuyu looked aside and nodded his head in agreement while providing a tiny grin to disguise his pain. Dahyun and Mina laughed as they returned to their original course.

Mina murmured, "Tzuyu-ah, take me home now," and Tzuyu nodded, then returned his eyes to Sana and Dahyun.

"How about you two? Are you heading home? It's getting late," he said.

"Actually, we're about to leave as well," Dahyun explained.

"All right, let me drive you two then, it's tough to find a taxi at this hour," Tzuyu remarked with a smile.


Mina was the first person Tzuyu sent to her home.

"So, Tzuyu-ah, see you in two weeks," Mina added.

Tzuyu responded, "Hmm, I'll see you Noona."

"Good night, Tzuyu," Mina said as she tightly hugged Tzuyu.Dahyun asked, "How about me?"

"Well, goodnight, you silly tofu," Mina replied warmly.

Mina said, "Good night, Sana."

Sana said, "Good night."

She was genuinely relieved that the woman was no longer with them, because Dahyun kept chatting to her as if she didn't fully exist with them, while Tzuyu was just driving.Tzuyu started the engine and drove them home when Mina exited the car.

To be



So here's my present for you all for giving 12  votes for the previous chapter.

Just continue doing that, now I wanted to know what's running on your mind.

Just dropped your opinion if you have too, I wanted to communicate with you all 😉

That's it see you on next update

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now