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The three of them are now laughing as they walk down the lonely street towards their home.

Dahyun or Sana will always tell a joke, and Tzuyu will only laugh with them or give them a small smile.

Tzuyu isn't used to talking much, and he's always in his quiet mood, which Sana finds adorable and cute.

'Ring! Riing! Riiing!'

While the three of them were walking and only a few blocks away from Sana's house, Tzuyu's phone vibrates, indicating that someone was calling him, interrupting their conversation. He pulled out his phone and look at the caller I.D. He creased his brow.

"Excuse me, I'll just take this call," Tzuyu said as he excused himself and walked away from the two.

Sana just stared at his back as he walked away, and it appears that Tzuyu is having a serious conversation with someone. Dahyun just stared at her before clearing his throat to get her attention.


Sana flinched at her spot and look at Dahyun, who simply smiled at her before speaking.

"How about the task? Have you thought of anything?" Dahyun inquired.

Sana gave him a wide smile and composed herself properly.

"Can't wait?" she inquired.

"Come on.. just tell me, I'm dying with curiosity here," Dahyun complains, and Sana just chuckles at his childish behavior, and Dahyun found her cute at the time.

"Well for your task," Sana couldn't finish her sentence when she noticed Tzuyu returning to their direction with a solemn expression on his handsome features. Tzuyu stands beside Dahyun, who notices his friend's presence.

"Oh, Tzuyu, you're back. Who was that, and why do you seem bothered?" Dahyun inquired, Tzuyu simply stared at him before speaking.

"It's Mina Noona," Tzuyu said quickly, and Sana's ears perked up at the mention of the name.

"Eh? Why did she call you?" Dahyun inquired, and Tzuyu sighed.

"She just asked me a question, let's keep going, it's getting late," Tzuyu said.

And the three of them resumed their walk; Sana and Dahyun continued to talk, and Sana would occasionally show her flirtatious sides to Dahyun, causing the latter to be shy and blushed profusely.

Tzuyu simply followed them from behind, unconcerned about the two who were constantly flirting with each other; he remained silent and a little bothered after the call, and he was also deep in thought.

Sana noticed the sudden change in Tzuyu's mood and wanted to ask him if everything was okay, but she's too shy to approach him and initiate a conversation with Tzuyu, and Tzuyu remained quiet until they arrived at her house.

"We're here," Dahyun declares.

"Yeah," Sana said.

'Ring! Riing! Riiing!' Tzuyu's phone rang again; he held it, excused himself from the two, and answered the call. Sana just stared at him, and his facial expressions remained the same, albeit more serious.

'He's more handsome when he wears this kind of aura,' Sana reasoned.

"So, you're not going to tell me about the task?" Dahyun interrupted her thought.

Tzuyu returned to their place as Sana turned her gaze to Dahyun and smiled sweetly at him.

"Hyun, I have to go now; I still need to do something," Tzuyu said as he approached them.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now