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3 days after the camp, Sana and Dahyun continuously to hanging out with each other.

She enjoys his accompany a lot and she became morellll closed also to Tzuyu and Dahyun other friend name Son Chaeyoung and her girlfriend Mina since they always stayed at their studio a lot of time.

And sometimes she spent her hours at Chou residence since her relationship grew more closed with Mrs Chou and also to pay a visit to her friend Tzuyu.

Sana was utterly shock when she learned Mina relationship with Chaeyoung she was totally happy and relief that Mina is in relationship with the guy, she felt bad also at her first impression with her that she likes Dahyun where in fact they we're just closed friend when they first meet and it feels like a thorn on her throat got reduced.

But there's also something bothering her mind a lot lately when she's with Dahyun.

Sana can't still figured it out what is it completely but every time they were together Sana can feel it, it feels like she's with other person when she's with him.

There's something lacking with the guy and she's utterly surprise also to learn new things about him. Such as his interest, it's completely different from the past years he mention in his mails.

Sana shrugged it off for a mean time, since she wanted to learn more new things about him although it's sadden her a bit that the man she truly adore in the mails is slowly changing into new one.

Currently they are now at the huge theater play since last week Dahyun promises his friend Chaeyoung to help him with his upcoming theater play. They are going to held an audition for the cast of his play today.

They are now done arranging their stuff and the lane for the audition is starting to get long outside, they can't proceed yet to the audition since they are still waiting for the most utterly important person to help them to select their cast.

Sana and Dahyun is just sitting at the bleachers facing the stage where the audition will be held, they are just 3 blocks away from Chaeyoung seat and Mina seat.

"Dahyun hyun, where is he?" Chea asked, Dahyun looked at his friend before he fish out his phone.

"He told me his on his way. Wait let me call him again" Dahyun said

"Opps, here he texted me. He's already here inside the building, coming in a..." Dahyun didn't able to finished his statement when Chae spoke

"Tzuyuuu, finally you're here" Chae said in relief

Sana was quite surprised to see hims as she didn't expect that the guy they we're talking earlier was Tzuyu.

"You didn't told me that you'll get start early" Tzuyu complain as he walked to Chae table, suddenly Mina came up from no where

"Tzuyu-aaah!" Mina utters while cling her arms to Tzuyu

Sana noticed it and her eyebrows furrowed seeing the young lady is clinging to Tzuyu arm's. There something between the two closeness make her feel uncomfortable. maybe? Or perhaps jealous.

'What is she doing? Why does she need to cling her arms to Tzuyu in front of her boyfriend?' Sana thought.

There's something about the sight making her feel uncomfortable and irritated. Sana is quite possessive when it come to her friends, not quite possessive like to Tzuyu.

"I bought us three a coffee, well here's your favorite" Mina said sweetly and handed Tzuyu a coffee while smiling cutely at him.

"Thank you, Noona. You know me too well" Tzuyu said as he flash a handsomely smile in Sana's perspective to Mina.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now