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"Yah! Come back here, Kim Dahyun!" a ten-year-old girl, Minatozaki Sana whined as she stumped her foot to the ground.

Dahyun just sticks his tongue out, teasing Sana even more, while Tzuyu sits in the corner, eating his ice cream and watching his two friends chase each other.

It's always been like this after they play: two of his friends will start bickering and chasing each other until one of them trips and falls to the ground.

Tzuyu ran to his friends, who were now facing each other and about to fight again, and went in between them to stop them from fighting.

"Enough! Stop fighting, okay?" Tzuyu said cutely as he separated the two with his two long arms.

Sana keeps giving Dahyun death glares, while the latter just smirks at her, irritating her even more.

It's her last day in Seoul because her parents have decided to relocate to London to manage one of their business branches as well as for her studies.

She went to Dahyun's house, where Tzuyu was also present.

Sana offers him one last chance to play with her, but Dahyun declines because he is too engrossed in watching the cartoon on play.

Tzuyu, on the other hand, simply nodded his head to Sana, accepting her invitation, and dragged Dahyun out to play with her.

Sana, too, wanted to say goodbye to him after playing with him. Dahyun ends up teasing her once more.

Tzuyu scolded his hyun, "Dahyun hyun, was it difficult to say sorry to Sana noona?"

Dahyun simply shook his head and pouted his lips.

"Then apologize to her," Tzuyu orders.

Dahyun approached Sana and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, Noona" Dahyun said and offers his hand for hand shake

Sana smiled widely at his cuteness and grabbed his hand for hand shake also

"Apology accepted" she said cutely

"I'm sorry, Noona," Dahyun apologized as he extended his hand for a handshake.

Sana grinned broadly at his cuteness and reached out to shake his hand.

"Apology accepted," she said sweetly.

"Sana, our princess, come here." "Mr. and Mrs. Chou wanted to see you here," her father says.

Sana dashed over to their parents' side and politely greeted Mr. and Mrs. Chou.

"Good morning, Auntie and Uncle Chou," she said sweetly.

Mr and Mrs Chou, as well as Mrs Kim, are amused by her cuteness.

"Aww, our little Sana will be gone for a long time now, we will miss you little princess, take care of yourself there." okay? Mrs Chou chuckled as she caressed her fluffy cheeks.

Sana agreed with a nod of her head.

"Can I talk to my friend one more time, Mom and Dad?" she asked her parents.

While still speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Chou and Mrs. Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Minatozaki nodded their heads in agreement.

She grabbed Dayhun's wrist and dragged him along. Tzuyu trailed them from behind.

"Hey, Kim Dahyun, today I'm leaving for London and will be there for quite some time, and we won't be able to see each other for a long time," she said.

"And I wanted you to promise me one thing: once I arrived, you'll send me a letter; let's keep in touch; I don't want you to forget our friendship," she added.

"But how?" Dahyun asks.

"I'll send you a letter via e-mail at least once a week or once a month, and I'm hoping you'll respond to them," she joked.

"But I don't have a computer," Dahyun pointed out.

Sana simply shook her head in dismay.

"I have one," Tzuyu said cutely, raising his hand and smiling at them.

"You can come to my house and read all of Sana noona's letters and respond to her messages, Dahyunie," Tzuyu said.

"That's right," Sana said.

"Sana, our princess, come here, we're going to the airport now and will be late," her father said, as Sana pouted her lips in disappointment.

"I'll be leaving right now," Sana said sadly.

"Promise me you'll send one?" Sana said, holding Dahyun's arms and forcing him to say yes.

"Yes," Dahyun said, nodding his head, and Sana smiled broadly.

"Okay, Dahyun Kim, wait for my email and always take care of yourself Goodbye," she said cheerfully before kissing Dahyun's cheeks.

Dahyun was stunned, and he held his face where Sana kissed him.

Sana turned back to face them, waving her hand in the air, before entering the car and smiling. Tzuyu waved back.

"You take care of yourself as well, and goodbye, Sana noona" Tzuyu mumbles softly while gazing fondly in her direction.

To be



Time of update:
Thursday & Friday

5 pm or onwards

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