Oo - Finale

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"Too cute" Sana mumbles

"Yet so handsome" she added and giggles after

"Dumb! How can this man makes my heart flatter without doing anything" she thought while gazing at Tzuyu with full of affection on her eyes.

Sana is been awake for 30 minutes now, she's planning to cooked breakfast for her lover. but there she is, she didn't moved an inch on her spot to get up and went downstairs.

Sana just observed her lover sleeping next to her soundly, it's her first time witnessing this kind off stuff as it was her first time to sleep on his place.

Sana laid sideways and used her left palm as leverages of her head, she gaze at Tzuyu with full of tenderness on her eyes she bite her lower lips to suppress her smile. Sana moves more closer as she reached for her hand to his well defined facial features and traces every inch of it, starting from his forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, chin and finally her soft hand touched his delicate lips.

Suddenly Sana felt how her heartbeat rapidly increase when she felt his lips against her skin, she bite her lower lips while imagining how soft it is against her lips.

"Dumb! Control yourself Sana" Sana scolded herself, But her hand is still on his lips. She gulped the invisible lump on her throat. Sans felt the urge to pressed her lips against his.

"Nooooo, Sana" she told herself, and sighed to calmed herself down, but after debating with herself for a moment. Sana sighed in dismay

"Maybe it's not bad if I stole one kiss from him while he's asleep" she thought, Sana didn't understand why, but she didn't stopped herself moving closer to him as she close her eyes. Sana move gradually close to him until she felt his hot breath breath against her cheeks.

"Just one kiss" Sana thought and pressed her lips against him, she felt butterflies all over her stomach as her heart flutters.

"Dumb! move back now, Sana. before he woke up" Sana talked with herself on her mind, but she couldn't understand why, she didn't stopped, but instead Sana move her lips in attempts to deepening the kissed. it seems like her body has it own brain to dictate what she should do next.

"Hmmmm" Sana opened her eyes quickly when she heard Tzuyu groans on his sleep. She saw him still closing his eyes.

But when Tzuyu move a little, Sana immediately retreated from her act and stared at Tzuyu nervously. But the man just move and continue to sleep. Sana sighed in relief.

"That was closed" she mumbles

"Urrrggh! I should go downstairs now, before I could do anything more worst and embarrassing to him" she thought.


"Hmmm" Tzuyu wake up from his deep slumber, he opened his eyes only to find out that Sana is not with him.

"Where is she?" Tzuyu thought, he get up from his bed and went to the bathroom to washed his face.

"Maybe she's downstairs, I should go now to prepare breakfast probably she's hungry now" he thought and smile, he walked himself out from the room.

When Tzuyu went downstairs, he widen his eyes in utterly surprise as he was greeted with a table of freshly cooked food.

"Good morning, you're awake." Sana's cheerful voice chirped as she put the cup of coffee on the table. She beamed at Tzuyu and said

"Come have breakfast. I didn't know what you liked to eat, so I prepared at least to 3 options." Sana said happily.

"You cook?" Tzuyu asked in surprise and Sana nodded her head while smiling to him. Tzuyu walked to her and held her hand instantly, Sana widen her eyes as she tried her best to retreat her hand from him. But Tzuyu was strong than her, he meticulously inspect her hand.

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