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They are now inside the restaurant and Jennie Kim is still with them, they offered her to come with them since they are heading to the same place.

Jennie is now sitting besides Tzuyu while they are talking and sometimes they will share laughter at the silly things, while Sana is just kept taking a glance of them silently.

She's sitting besides Dahyun, but her whole attention is at Tzuyu direction. She's staring at them and sometimes glared at their direction when she found Jennie suddenly clinging her arms to Tzuyu, Tzuyu just let the woman and will whispers something to Jennie that will make the latter smile cutely and both of them giggles.

'Dumb it! Why do I feel this? That I suddenly wanted to ripped off their faces to stopped them smiling annoying to each other just like that.. Urrgh this is frustrating' Sana complains inside her mind

"So, you're just here for your short vacation, right noona?" Chae asked

"Yeah, My agency gave me a weeks of vacation" Jennie confirmed

"Oh, how's your acting career in New Zealand anyway?" Chae

"It's good, I'm doing good actually when I got back there we will start filming the new film I'm working with" Jennie utters

"So you really pursue your dream in acting there huh?" Dahyun asked

"Yeah since I've got an opportunity. Why not, Right?" Jennie said

They all agreed to her and Sana is just listening to their conversation as she doesn't want to intervene herself with their conversation since she doesn't know what to say anyway and also she's doesn't want to talk to her since she's quite jealous with Jennie closeness to them especially to Tzuyu.

Sana wishes her closeness with Tzuyu grow more like the way Jennie had with him.

"Well actually.."

Dahyun got interrupted when Chae phone rang

"Aaww wait sorry, I have to take this call this is important. Excuse me" Chae utters and excuse himself to them

"Who is that?" Dahyun asked curiously

"Well maybe that one of the Executive Producer that he sended one of his work" Mina answered

"Chae is in need of financial support for his film right now" she added and Dahyun just nodded his head in understanding

"How about you Tzuyu-ah, what's making you up busy these days?" Jennie asked as she stared at Tzuyu

"Hm... Nothing much, but I'm still working with monologue that Chae asked me" he answered shortly

"Really? You're still working with monologue? You know what I let my bosses read the monologue that you've wrote few years back then and they were utterly impressed with your work and actually they asked me if you're still available and wanted to worked with them" Jennie said

And suddenly Sana got interested with their topics when she heard it, Tzuyu just gave Jennie a shy smile before he talked

"Well, I wanted too, but I'm still working and helping my parents with their business" Tzuyu said and Jennie nodded her head in understanding

"Well if you change your mind just gave me a call" Jennie said playfully and winked at him and Tzuyu chuckle at her cuteness and Sana suddenly lose her interest when she saw it.

'This flirty woman is getting into my nerve. Is he trying to flirt with him? The heck Sana why are acting like this' Sana thought

Jennie was about to talked again when suddenly Chae arrived interrupting her

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