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Back in Korea

"Dahyunie, Sana noona had sent you mails again," Tzuyu said as he scanned the screen of his computer.

"Hmm, what did she say?" Dayhun inquired, uninterested.

"Wait a minute, let me open her emails," Tzuyu said as he clicked on the link.

"Here, read it by yourself because this letter is for you," Tzuyu said as he moved to his bed and took one of his books to read.

Dahyun read the letters aloud, allowing Tzuyu to hear what was written.

Dear Dahyun

  Finally, after months of silence, you've responded to my emails. I almost thought you'd forgotten about me.

Dahyunie, I'm a little sad here because I can't find friends like our friendship does, but it makes me happy that even though we're miles apart, I have a friend like you. You have no idea how much it made me happy to receive a response from you today.

Please make it frequently, Dahyunie, and tell me about your day and how it went.

Today, I received an invitation from the school council to participate in the quiz bee because my school performance is good, and I accepted the offer to meet new people and improve my communication skills.

Sincerely yours,

"That's all, seriously, she wants me to write her letters on a regular basis? And why does she have to tell me when she receives an invitation from the school council?" Dahyun said.

"Well obviously she just wanted to tell you how her days go in London, Dahyunie," Tzuyu explained.

"And what does it do to me?" Dahyun inquired.

"Well, it's pretty clear here that she also wanted you to tell her your days, hyun," Tzuyu said cutely as he adjusted his specs.

Dahyun rolled his eyes and began gathering his belongings. "I have to go now, Tzuyu-ah," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Where are you going?" Tzuyu inquired.

"My teammates are probably waiting for me on the court right now Tzuyu," he explained.

"Are you not going to respond to Sana noona mails?" Tzuyu inquired.

Dahyun sighed before continuing to speak.

"I don't have time for that, Tzuyu-ah; I'm too busy and preoccupied with school, Sana noona will understand," he said, smiling to Tzuyu.

"But, hyun, Sana noona—"

"I'm leaving now, do you want to come with me?" Dahyun interrupted Tzuyu.

"Or are you going to spend the rest of your day here alone, reading your books?" Dahyun asked.

Tzuyu nodded, his lips pursed.

"I wanted to, but I still have schoolwork to finish, hyun," Tzuyu explained.

"OK, buddies, I'm leaving now," Dahyun said, patting his head.

Dahyun left, and Tzuyu went to his computer to turn it off.

But he decided to take his seat when she read Sana's name on his computer screen, and he sighed heavily as he read her letters again.

"She must be lonely there, because she kept sending mails to Hyun," Tzuyu lamented.

"She'll be hurt if she doesn't hear from him, poor Sana noona, but Dahyun hyun is preoccupied with his schoolwork."

"Dahyun promised her he'd respond to any Sana noona emails, and now he can't even do that for her; what should I do?" Tzuyu pondered.

"Perhaps there's nothing wrong with doing something for them."

Tzuyu smiled at his idea, straightened up, and began typing on his keyboard.

Dear Sana

  I'm glad you're doing well in your studies; it's a great opportunity to be a part of a competition. But I'm curious about one thing: why are you having trouble making friends? Are you okay? I hope you take care of yourself.

"But wait, to whom should I sign the letter?" Tzuyu paused, thinking.

He placed his thumb beneath his chin and thought for a while, widening his eyes when an idea came to him.

"Aww, I know, I'm sure she'll be happy when she reads this, and I'm sure she'll respond as well."

"This is the only way to keep one promise," Tzuyu reasoned, smiling.

To be



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