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"You scumbag! How dare you dump me just like that?" the girl yelled angrily.

"Ouch," Dahyun said in pain, clutching his right cheeks where the girl had slapped him hard.

"Oh come on! Stop making a scene, you knew from day one that everything is a play, right? So stop playing like a victim here," Dahyun said, fueling more the girl's fire.

"You Scumbag! You'll regret it, Dahyun! I'll make sure no one else can have you! You little shit," the girl said, as she tried and reach to hit me. But Dahyun flexes was fast and he was able to avoid her attack, the girl felt tired and just glare at him.

She turned her back on him and was about to walk away, but she came to a halt and turned back to face him again.

"Oh, I forgot something," she said, and Dahyun just stared at her as the girl approached him. The girl is now in front of him.

Before she left, she gave him a sweet smile.


"Aaaahhhh! Shit" Dahyun yelp

The girl used her knees to kick his crotch.

"That's for making me cry every night and dumping me once you've gotten what you want!" the girl exclaimed as she kicked his crotch once more before leaving him alone.

While walking, she came across Tzuyu, who was heading towards his friend. She stop from walking and stares at Tzuyu.

"Hey! Tzuyu-ah, if I were you, I'd stop hanging out with your friend; he's not good for you, a man with no future who keeps failing his subjects," she warned.

Tzuyu simply stared at her and ignored her remark about his friend; he knew his friend better than anyone else. Despite his childish personality and womanizer, he is a loving son who respects the elder.

Others may see him as a man without a dream and failing to achieve one, but in Tzuyu's opinion, his friends are different.

Dahyun was holding his crotch and grimacing in pain when he noticed Tzuyu approaching him.

"Aaaaah fuck! Tzuyu-ah, please help me!"

Tzuyu took Dahyun's arm and wrapped it around his neck to assist his friend in standing.

They were strolling around the mall's park when Tzuyu told Dahyun that he needed to use the restroom and left him alone. When he returned, he saw his friend talking with the girl, and when he saw the girl slap his friend, he stayed still and a little bit away from them.

He shook his head and sighed heavily until he saw the girl kick Dahyun in the crotch. It's always been like this. Dahyun was constantly confronted with situations like this in public places.

There are times when both of them will run because there are girls chasing them or Dahyun.

"Who is that?" Tzuyu inquired.

"Ah! That girl, don't bother, you don't have to know her; she just wanted to become famous and win the election at our school," Dahyun said.

Tzuyu inquired, "Did you date her?"

"For months, yeah."

"And you dumped her just like the other girls you've dated before?" Tzuyu inquired as they walked home.

"Of course, yes! She's suffocating me. There are many do's and don'ts in our relationship; I can't move freely like I used to, and our relationship began with lies. It's her fault, in any case, she fell in love with me," Dahyun said arrogantly.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now