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Days later

Sana is now facing Dahyun, she stared at him with full of sadness on her eyes. She doesn't want to leave him, but she can't do anything since her parents wanted her too.

It's her flight today to go back to London after her two weeks vacation in korea, her parents decided to sent her back to London to manage their business branch there, while her parents decided to stay in korea to look after their business there.

"I'm leaving now" Sana said sadly while eyeing Dahyun, the guy just nodded his head and smile sadly.

"You take care of yourself there, Sana" Dahyun said, and Sana was waiting for him to say something more. But Dahyun just smiled at her. He was about to leave when suddenly Sana talked back

"Dahyun?" She called and the guy look back at her.

"Yes?" He asked her

"Can.. Can I at least.. Hug you?.. Before I leave?" She asked him shyly the guy smile sweetly at her.

He step closer to Sana and pulled her into hug. She smiled contentedly feeling his warmth. Their parents giggles at the sight.

But suddenly Tzuyu come up to her mind again.

'Where is Tzuyu? He didn't showe up himself to me since early' she thought sadly

She was kept on looking for him since they arrived at the airport earlier, but she didn't saw any glimpse of the man.

Unknowingly to her, Tzuyu just arrived at the airport and the sight of them hurt him a lot, he composed himself properly not showing any shed of painful expressions on his facial features.

Heartbroken, yet happy for his bestfriends, Tzuyu decides to never disclose the secret to anyone about the mails.

'Maybe I was just destined to be their path to be together, maybe they were a perfect match made from heaven' he thought sadly while eyeing the two.

Tzuyu instantly averted his gaze when he noticed Dahyun is moving and pulled out from the hugged and he walked back to Mrs Kim side.

Sana roam her eyes around the place, and it's seems like she's looking for someone. While Tzuyu is just eyeing her from a distance, his standing next to their parents.

When suddenly her gaze met his eyes, Sana smiled brightly when she saw Tzuyu, She wave her hand to the air happily to him and Tzuyu smile at her.

"Go.. Talk to her, she's been looking for you since earlier" Mrs Chou said to him, he just smile and nodded his head before he walked to Sana direction.

"Hey?" Tzuyu greeted her when he reached her spot.

"Hey? Just like that?" Sana asked him whiled glaring at Tzuyu

"I'm sorry" he said feeling embarrassed and Sana giggles at him.

"I'm half mad at you" Sana said suddenly

"Eh?" Tzuyu asked her baffled, but instead of answering his questions.

Sana wrapped her arms around his waist as she placed her chin on his shoulder, she didn't asked his permission if she can do that. But she comfortably hugged the man.

And Tzuyu can feel his heart beat rapidly increase as his face flushed red in an instant. Minatozaki Sana never failed to make him feel this fluttering feelings in his stomach.

"I thought you won't come.. I thought I won't be able to see you one last time before I leave" she mumbles sadly near his ears. He just smiled genuinely at her confession.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now