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"Sana, are you done?" Mrs Minatozaki asked her Daughter who's busy checking out herself in front of the huger mirror

"In a minutes Mom" She answered

"But they will be here in a minutes, honey. Come on move faster" Mrs Minatozaki said and left her in her room

The Minatozaki family is currently busy preparing themselves for the picnic that the Chou prepared for them, in a moment the Chou and Kim will arrive to pick them up

'Oh my God, I don't look good enough' Sana thought she meticulously check herself

"What else is missing?" She asked herself as she was not satisfied with her physical appearance right now.

"Aaaw.. yeah, lip balm" she said and looked for the lip balm and put a small amount on her lips

'That's perfect' she thought while checking out herself once last time

'Beep! Beeeeeeeep!'

"Sana-ah, come down now they are here already" Mr Minatozaki called

Sana got startled and gathered all of her stuff and went down stairs instantly, she saw her parents packing their stuffs and started carrying them out.

She was about to walked to her mother when suddenly she bumped to a muscular body of a young man that causes her to got froze on her spot and her heart beat rapidly increase when she took a sight of him.

'He's too handsome with his denim jacket on' She thought while her eyes is too focused with Dahyun

Sana tripped at their sudden collision, she was expecting that her butt will land to the hard ground.

But suddenly she didn't feel anything, all she can feel is a strong arms held tightly on her shoulder and her back is pressed on a muscular chest. She looked up and met Tzuyu's eyes gazing down at her concernly.

"Sana Noona, are you okay?" Tzuyu asked her and help her to stand up, She smiled awkwardly to Tzuyu and nodded her head.

"Y-yes, I'm fine Tzuyu-ah thank you" Sana said and glared at Dahyun when she noticed that the man intentionally bumped to her to caught her attention, Tzuyu just gave her a sweet smile. She went to her mother side immediately to help her.

"You're mean, You shouldn't do that hyun" Tzuyu scolded Dahyun, but Dahyun just chuckle while staring at Sana direction

"She's too clumsy it's not my fault" Dahyun said while gazing at Sana, Tzuyu shook his head

"Come on, let's help Uncle Minatozaki now. Stopped staring at Sana Noona" Tzuyu sternly said and pulled Dahyun collar to go with him and Dahyun cough at his actions

"Ya-yaaah, Tzuyu I'm choking" he mutters

"Oohh, Sorry hyun" Tzuyu giggles and let his collar go, they started helping Mr Minatozaki now.


"Are we all good now?" Mr Minatozaki asked his wife and Mrs Minatozaki nodded her head.

They started getting into the cars respectively. They have 2 cars and it can accommodate 4 people in one car.

One for Kims and one for Chou, Sana was about to hop in to the Kim's cars since she wants to be with Dahyun the entire trip but apparently it's already full since her parents occupied the two remaining seat.

"Mom?! Where will I ride?" She whines to her mother and Dahyun smirked at her, he knows what she's planning too.

"Come with us Sana, we still have vacant seat here" Mrs Chou offered

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