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Tzuyu is currently now facing his computer while scanning every document that was sent to him by his father's company while his free hand holding a paper on his right hand reviewing the report if its done properly.

Tzuyu is working with the files that his father asked him to do. An hours had passed, but he's still not done working with paperwork

"Ah.. This is tiring" Tzuyu complain and stretch his arms and his stomach growls suddenly

"Oh, you're hungry buddy" He mumbles while rubbing his stomach and chuckle after at his silliness, Tzuyu stands up and decide to take a snack downstairs after a minutes he went back to his room while holding a cup of coffee on his right hand.

He took a seat and face his computer once again to check if his father mails him, but there's none.

He decided to continue his works and an hour passed again finally his done

"Doneee" Tzuyu said cheerfully while pressing the last key on his computer

'Ping' his computer sound suddenly indicating that he received a new mails.

"Son Chaeyoung send you mails" he mumbles and click the link to opened the latest mails

From: Son Chaeyoung
Subject: Film Script

Hey Buddie, here's the film that were going to work this week. I already attached the file in this mails and also the story line if you wanted to read the story.

The first one is your script while the second one is the story line.

I'll see you in 2 days Buddie

2 files attach

File name: Script
File name: Story line

Tzuyu furrowed his eyebrows and decided to opened the second link as he's curious about the plot of the stories.


Shory summary

Would years and good old memories of the two good old friend is enough to make everything work and heal a wounds that causes a lot of pain to one of them.

Tzuyu read the file and got curious about the film as he found it a little weird. He decided to read a few chapter of the film to understand the story and especially his character to play.

(it's actually one of my satzu book in my previous account, because I can't think of any story right now hehehe just search my username it still posted there if you're curious about it)

After reading the first part Tzuyu was stunned as he kept blinking his eyes trying to sink in on his mind what he read.

It took him some minutes before he got back to his sense

"This man is crazy, why he didn't told me about this film when were in the restaurant. I'm gonna kill this short man" Tzuyu mumbles as his heartbeat thumping so hard.

He held his phone and dialed his friend number to talk with him about the plot if he was mistaken or not


Meanwhile Sana is gulped too hard the invisible lump on her throat while facing her laptop, she's currently reading the plot of the story that was send to her minutes ago.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now