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"You love cheese kimbap?" Sana asked Tzuyu in surprised

"Yes. it's my favorite" Tzuyu confirm

Sana agape her mouth in surprise, she was utterly impressed by their common interests.

"I didn't knew that we have the same favorite too" Sana said happily as she felt that she found someone an ally

"but too bad I don't know how to make one" Sana added and laughed after, Tzuyu also laughed at her also. Sana stared at Tzuyu for awhile and back to the dish that Tzuyu is preparing

They are now in Chou Kitchen again preparing for dinner after watching three films continuously without interruption.

Tzuyu decided to prepared a Korean cuisine for her, as he observed her earlier while watching a korean films Sana is kept on talking about the korean dish and how tasty it is.

She also told Mrs Chou that she doesn't have a chance to eat them while they are living in England due to Mrs Minatozaki busy hectic schedul she doesn't have a time to cooked a dish for them.

"Well today, you'll have a chance to taste them again" Tzuyu said to her.

"Well I'm really excited to taste them back" Sana said and giggles after

Sana watched Tzuyu preparing the dish, his now rolling the kimbap with the bamboo stick when he was done he held the kitchen knife to cut the dish

"Can I cut them?" Sana asked

Tzuyu stared at her for awhile and back to the dish and back to Sana. Tzuyu shook his head in disagreement.

"Please" Sana plead

"Nope, I'm afraid you may cut yourself if I let you do it and beside I don't want Mrs Minatozaki to come over here and scolded me" Tzuyu said jokingly

"Mom won't do that and I'm a grown up lady now, if I'll cut myself I'm responsible for that" Sana said cutely

Tzuyu shook his head again "My answer is still 'No' Ms Minatozaki" Tzuyu said and held down the kitchen knife and stared at Sana and Sana is also staring at him.

Tzuyu can feel the way his heart beat rapidly increased when his gaze met Sana's eyes. He stared at her for second as if there's a magnetic force that attracting him just to stared at this woman in front of him. Sana can't take off her eyes also staring at him.

Tzuyu cleared his throat and decided to averted his gaze.

"And besides I dont trust you" Tzuyu said jokingly

"Yah you're so mean" Sana said, Tzuyu chuckles and took the dish and put it on the dining table

"You're my guests and I don't let my guests do the course" Tzuyu said "come let's eat now" Tzuyu added as he pulled the chair for her.

Sana just glared at him and went to the dining area, Mrs Chou served a bowl of soap to them and settled herself also.

"Wow!" Sana mumble in amazement as she was scanning the table, all of the meals that is prepared on the table is her favorite, the aroma of the meals is good that you just wanted to dig in immediately.

"Make yourself at home Sana" Mr Chou said at the back

Sana flinched at her spot when she heard him and turned around to face Mr Chou

"Good evening unlce, thank you" she said politely, Tzuyu just stared at her and smile after

They settled their selve and to come and started to devour their food.


"Gosh I'm so full" Sana said

"Then that great, it means you've enjoy the meals a lot" Mrs Chou said

"Yes I really did Auntie, thank you for the meals. I guess I'll come here often now since the food here is all good and satisfying" Sana uttered while giggling

"Well, we will be glad if you got fat here" Mr Chou said jokingly and the three of them laughed too, they continuously to chat for hours.

Tzuyu is now currently at his study room putting the book he gave to Sana inside the paper bag.

'Knock! Knock! Knock'

He turned his gaze to the door and saw Sana standing outside while smiling cutely

"Sana noona, come in" he said and Sana invited herself to come inside. She settled herself on the couch.

"Today is Marvellous" Sana uttered

"Imagine I just came here to look for Dahyun, but I was greeted by good meals and accompany" she added

"Ugh! I've never felt this kind of happiness before"

"Thank you Tzuyu-ah" she said and stared at Tzuyu and Tzuyu just gave her a smile then Sana continued to talked

"You know what Tzuyu-ah, We have known each other for years but I'm still surprised to know this thing just now" Sana uttered

"Like we have a lots of things in common and you know what I've never been comfortable with any man before up until now" She said and chuckles, Tzuyu just listened to her stories

"The fact that I've never had a male friend before, but today is different" Sana said and gave Tzuyu a sweetest smile

Tzuyu furrowed his eyebrows at her confession, his confused with her statement, Tzuyu took his seat beside her and Sana looked at him

"Well, I wanted to asked this question. I hope you don't mind" Tzuyu said

"Go on"

"If you don't have a male friend before, so what is Dahyun hyun for you all this time? Tzuyu asked her curiously

Sana held down her head and smile foolishly at the man mention name, she bites her lips to suppress her excitement.

"Dahyun is not my friend and he will never be" she said and giggles "His kinda a special person that I treasured the most all this time and I don't consider him as my friend" Sana continued

Tzuyu just listened to her and Sana stared at him before she continued to talked

"And I don't want to end up with friends with him and got stuck myself with that kind of relationship with him" Sana said

"why?" Tzuyu asked

The moment that question split in his lips is the same time he regretted that he asked her that question. Tzuyu is deeply nervous with her possible answer, to be honest he's not ready to know or to have any idea with her feelings for his friend.

'Because I have this kind of special feeling for him that one day I wanted to grow more' she thought as she blushed

"Nothing, it's nothings" She answered

With that statement Tzuyu was relieved but his also anxious at the same time, he composed himself and tried not to show any confuse or bothered facial expressions on his face.

He just smile at her and nodded his head in understanding.

"Tzuyu-ah, I wanted to ask you this question too?" Sana said shyly

"I've told you earlier that I've never had a male friend before and never been comfortable around any man, but today is utterly different and I suddenly wanted to have one too" Sana uttered

"Will you be my friend?" Sana asked him as she extended her hand and offered a hand shake

Tzuyu just stared at her hand for second, Sana was utterly nervous. But Tzuyu gave her a loving smile and held her hand

"Friends" Tzuyu respond.

With that simple answer Sana's smiled widely and chuckle after

To be



Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now