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"You can start now, I already paid for it," Tzuyu said as soon as he arrived at the two directions.

"All right, let's get started," Sana said.

Dahyun simply nodded his head, and Tzuyu sat down behind them, facing the scoring machine.

"So, ladies first," Dahyun said, handing the bowling ball to Sana, who stared at him and took the ball in his hand, winking at him.

"Best wishes," she mumbles to him.

Sana positioned herself correctly and raised the ball while aiming for her target position to strike the pins all at once, while Dahyun and Tzuyu stared at her, waiting for her to release the ball on her hand.

Sana furrowed her brows in concentration and sighed deeply before pulling down her hand and releasing and rolling the ball to the ground with the appropriate amount of pressure and speed needed.

Dahyun averted his gaze to the ball, observing how it would reach the end point; he felt a little nervous because the way she moves is similar to the way Tzuyu moves.

Every time he plays this game with his friend, he always loses.

'No, not with her please' Dahyun thought

In 10











Dahyun's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in surprise when he saw that all of the pins had been hit at once. He quickly averted his gaze to Tzuyu.

Tzuyu simply shrugged off his shoulder, chuckled, and shook his head at him, while Dahyun sighed and returned his gaze to Sana.

"Well done, missy, but I'm not going to let you win like that," Dahyun stated confidently.

He took the ball on his hand and positioned himself properly, just as Sana had done earlier.

Sana looks at him with adoration in her eyes and a smile plastered on her face.

Dahyun inhaled deeply before releasing the ball on his hand and rolling it to the floor. Tzuyu and Sana fix their gaze on the ball, which will soon reach its destination.


Dahyun smirked widely as he saw the ball hit the pin, but his grin quickly faded when he realized the pin had stopped hitting the other pins. Dahyun sighed heavily.

"7 pins, not bad," Sana said with a smirk, challenging the latter. Dahyun immediately averted his gaze to her side.

"Well, we're just getting started, Ms. American," Dahyun said, and Sana simply nodded.

'Ms. America? Seriously, why does he kept calling me that?' Sana wondered.

Sana took the ball in her side again and began to reposition herself before releasing the ball when she was ready.


"Oopps! Another strike," Sana exclaimed triumphantly as she averted her gaze from Dahyun and winked flirtatiously at him. Dahyun sighed, but he was enjoying Sana's flirtation with him.

He gave her a seductive smile before taking the ball from beside him.

"Watch this, Ms. America," Dahyun said, repositioning himself and releasing the ball.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now